|| The Quidditch World Cup!

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Y/N's eyes fluttered open to the soft glow of morning light filtering through the curtains. The warmth of the bed enveloped her like a warm hug, and for a moment, she relished the feeling of drowsiness lingering from a peaceful sleep. However, the tranquility was interrupted as gentle lips pressed against hers.

Her senses came alive, and she found herself greeted by the sight of Hermione, whose eyes sparkled with passion, as if she didn't just wake up. The tender touch lingered for a moment, making Y/N's heart skip a beat.

"Good morning," Hermione whispered, her voice carrying a warmth that matched the sunlight spilling into the room.

"Morning," a lazy smile tugged at the corners of Y/N's lips. "I wouldn't mind waking up to that every day."

Hermione chuckled softly, a playful whirr in her eyes. "Hm, don't twist your luck."


"Ron, where the hell are we even going?" Harry's voice echoed through the forest, the grey sky casting a somber hue over the trail as the group trudged along.

"Oi, Dad. Any idea where we're headed?" Ron called out, his voice reverberating among the colossal trees.

"Honestly, no clue!" Arthur replied with nonchalance. "Just keep up!"

Y/N let out an audible groan, slinging her bag over her shoulder. She couldn't shake the feeling that driving would have been a much more efficienterm option, but Hermione insisted they needed the exercise. Y/N wasn't entirely convinced.

The group continued their trek through the surprisingly well-maintained trail in the forest. Despite Y/N having more stamina than the entire group combined, she found herself walking sluggishly, practically leaning on Hermione for support.

The monotony was shattered when the rustling of leaves was accompanied by an unfamiliar voice yelling, "Arthur!"

Y/N furrowed her brow in confusion until she spotted a tall man with a ruddy face, a scruffy brown beard, and bags that seemed to defy gravity by reaching the back of his head. The man was decked out in gear from head to toe.

"Everyone, meet Amos Diggory," Arthur introduced, shaking hands with the smiling man. "He works with me at the Ministry—"

Before Arthur could utter another word, a tall and handsome, yet familiar boy gracefully descended from the trees, his bag slung casually over his shoulder. Y/N's eyes instantly lit up as she recognized him.

"And this strapping young lad must be—"

"Cedric!" Y/N exclaimed, rushing towards him with an exuberant smile.

"Y/N!" Cedric's eyes met the Ravenclaw's, his initial confusion turning into a matching smile as he took in the sight of her.

"You never mentioned your dad being mates with Mr. Weasley," Y/N remarked, studying Cedric closely. He had grown even taller, if that was possible, and his features appeared darker and more chiseled.

Patiently Waiting For You | Hermione Granger x Reader (GXG) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now