|| 46. Mr. Crouch (UN-EDITED)

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Y/N walked through the enchanted forest, the shadows dancing around her as the moonlight bathed the surroundings in a soft, ethereal glow

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Y/N walked through the enchanted forest, the shadows dancing around her as the moonlight bathed the surroundings in a soft, ethereal glow. The tranquility of the night filled her senses, and she relished the quiet solitude that enveloped her.

The sound of Hagrid's voice floated through the air, carrying a mix of nostalgia and fondness. Y/N continued her leisurely stroll, following the path that led her deeper into the forest, drawn by the familiar sound.

"Now, I remember..." Hagrid's voice echoed, resonating through the trees as Y/N approached. She could picture the half-giant with his infectious smile and warm eyes, his presence always comforting and full of life.

"I remember when I first met you all!" Hagrid exclaimed, his voice filled with heartfelt reminiscence. Y/N's mind traveled back in time, reliving the memories of their early encounters, the adventures they shared, and the bonds they forged.

"Biggest bunch of misfits I ever set my eyes on!" Hagrid chuckled, the mirth in his voice echoing through the forest. Y/N couldn't help but smile, reminiscing about the diverse group of friends that had come together in the face of adversity.

Hagrid's words brought forth a sense of camaraderie and shared experiences. It was a reminder of how far they had come since their first days at Hogwarts, when they were just wide-eyed students embarking on their magical journey.

"Suppose you remind me of meself a little," Hagrid mumbled, his voice tinged with affection. Y/N felt a surge of warmth in her heart at his words, realizing that she too had grown alongside her friends, embracing her unique qualities and finding her place within their unconventional group.

"And here we all are, four years later," Hagrid declared, his voice filled with pride and a touch of amazement. Y/N glanced at the others, Ron snickering at Hagrid's remark. 

"We're still a bunch of misfits," Ron said, his voice tinged with a mix of self-deprecation and camaraderie. Y/N glanced at her friend, recognizing the familiar humor that always found its way into their conversations.

"Well, maybe, but we've all got each other," Hagrid replied with a warm smile, his affectionate gaze encompassing the group. Y/N couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the bonds they had formed, knowing that their unique qualities and quirks only made their friendship stronger.

Lost in her thoughts, Y/N walked alongside Harry, their footsteps synchronized as they navigated the forest path. The moonlight cast delicate shadows on the ground, adding an air of mystery to the surroundings. Y/N's mind wandered, the events of the past year swirling through her thoughts.

"And Y/N, of course!" Hagrid exclaimed, interrupting Y/N's reverie. His words snapped her back to the present, and a small smile spread across her face. The mention of her upcoming role as the youngest Triwizard Champion filled her with a mix of excitement and apprehension.

 It was an honor and a challenge that she was determined to embrace. Lost in her own world, Y/N's gaze drifted downward, her attention caught by a familiar hat lying on the ground.

Patiently Waiting For You | Hermione Granger x Reader (GXG) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now