|| 38. Mine (UN-EDITED)

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December 25th, 2:30 AM

The sound of Hermione's voice echoed through the air, carrying a wave of raw emotion that caught the attention of Harry and Ron. Concern etched on their faces, they looked at Hermione, their hearts heavy with worry. Y/N, sensing the gravity of the situation, followed the trio out onto the balcony, her steps steady but her mind racing with questions.

"Hermione?" Y/N's voice quivered slightly as she called out to her friend. Hermione turned around, tears streaming down her cheeks, her eyes red and puffy. 

Harry and Ron took a step back, offering a silent reassurance before retreating, leaving Y/N to face the troubled Hermione alone. Their departure, accompanied by Harry's whispered words of 

"Good luck, Y/N," only added to the mystery unfolding before her.

Y/N approached Hermione cautiously, her heart pounding in her chest. She couldn't comprehend the reason behind Hermione's distress, but she knew she had to be there for her friend. 

"Are you okay?" Y/N's voice was filled with genuine concern as she reached out to touch Hermione's arm gently. Hermione's glare met Y/N's bewildered expression, and her words dripped with bitterness. 

"Are you serious, Y/N?" Hermione's voice held a mix of anger and hurt, catching Y/N off guard. Confusion furrowed Y/N's brow as she tried to make sense of Hermione's reaction, her mind racing to find an explanation for her friend's sudden change in demeanor.

Y/N took a step closer, her voice laced with empathy. "Hermione, I don't understand. What happened? Did something go wrong?" Her eyes searched Hermione's face, desperately seeking answers.

 "You— You don't even know, do you? You have no idea..." Her words trailed off, the weight of unspoken pain lingering in the air. Hermione's tears continued to flow, her voice strained as she struggled to speak.

Y/N's heart sank at Hermione's words, the realization dawning on her that she had missed something crucial. Her mind raced as she tried to recall any recent events or conversations that could have caused Hermione such distress. Regret washed over Y/N, and she realized the depth of her unknowingness.

"I'm so sorry, Hermione," Y/N whispered, her voice filled with sincerity. "I didn't mean to hurt you or cause you any pain. Please, help me understand. I want to be here for you." Her eyes pleaded with Hermione, hoping to bridge the gap that had unexpectedly formed between them.

"Please." Y/N's voice trembled with a mix of confusion and concern. Hermione's emotions were running high, her tears continuing to flow as she let out an exasperated groan.

"You danced with Aurora!" Hermione's voice quivered with a mix of anger and hurt. The accusation hung in the air, catching Y/N off guard. 

"So?" Y/N replied, her tone tinged with defensiveness, not fully grasping the depth of Hermione's pain.

"Y/N, she fancies you! For Merlin's sake, you two even kissed each other. And dated last year, what I'm saying is.... I'm— I'm saying I'm jealous!" Hermione's words carried a sense of betrayal and vulnerability. 

The weight of her emotions was palpable, leaving Y/N at a loss for words. More tears streamed down Hermione's cheeks, her voice cracking as she poured out her frustrations.

Y/N's mind raced to make sense of the situation. Aurora had been a close friend, but nothing more. Y/N had never seen their interactions as anything beyond platonic after she had rejected the girl. 

"Me and Aurora are just friends, Hermione," Y/N tried to explain, hoping to ease the girl's distress. Hermione scoffed in response, her disbelief evident in her voice.

Patiently Waiting For You | Hermione Granger x Reader (GXG) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now