The Fiercest Bitch of All

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I enter the venue, the sounds of birds chirping all around me. I looked around. I remember my wedding day, the day I felt like I was the Queen of the world. The day I felt powerful. And it was all because of Brian. He made me feel that way and he's just told me he doesn't want me. So much for love, huh?

"Katherine, a vehicle just pulled up outside of the venue." Tej said into my ear. They were positioned all around the woods, waiting to fire.

"Don't shoot under any circumstances." I whispered. "I want to take this bitch out."

"Holy shit." Letty voice came over.

"What?" I asked.

"Hello, Katherine."

I turned around.

"Cheryl." I gasped.

She gave me a look and then, I charged at her. I saw red as she came closer and closer to me. It was like all my frustration poured out into one person. And it was that bitch.

My fist connected to her face and she stumbled back. I kicked her twice in the stomach, growling. Cheryl stood and attempted to punch me in the leg. I deflected her punches, kicked her in the knee and grabbed her by the throat.

"You fucked with the wrong girl." I hissed, chucking her to the floor.

She coughed and stood. I smashed my face to hers, feeling my nose leak. I didn't care. I felt nothing except rage. I felt like the old Katherine Howard. And I liked it. And so I kicked Cheryl's ass up and down that venue, loving every second. She struggled against me but she was no match for me. I am her better. And it was at one point where I had Cheryl in a head lock, my hands ready to snap her neck.

"Was it worth it?" I growled in her ear.

"Since beginning apart Nobody Inc. I have wanted nothing more than to kill you." She struggled against me.

"Where are my girls?"

"Like I said, I just wanted you. Your girls are at my home with my mom."

"Well, I'll be sure to kill her, too." I hissed in her ear. "No one can defeat me, Cheryl. Not you, not anyone. I am the fiercest bitch on the planet. Assassins tell their children about me to make them eat their vegetables and go night night. My girls had nothing to do with this! And you took them! And now, I'm going to kill you. I never did like you. You low life scum bag. Messing with children!"

She stopped struggling for a moment and then suddenly I heard a loud bang and felt an slither of pain creep up my chest. I felt my blood soak my clothes instantly. I used my last bit of energy to snap her neck and we fell together. My blood poured out on to the ground, I clutched my stomach. Cheryl was sprawled out on the ground, the gun a few feet from her hand.

"Brian!" I shouted.


Does anyone watch Criminal Minds? I have one question: WHY THE FUCK IS DR. REID SO SEXY?! They should have a love interest for him and his background is so heartbreaking and I'm tired of them hurting him! Leave my baby alone! Fucking jerks.

-Chicken Soup 🍜

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