Every Rode You Take

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I just wanted to say thank you to every single reader that's came upon this book. Even if you just read 1 chapter and didn't like it. Thank you for even thinking about reading it. Oh and can't forget the ones that have this book in their reader list but never came around to reading it. The consideration is appreciated.

I had a blast writing this book, making some friends and bonding over our love for the crazed Katherine Howard. In truth this book was started in Honor of Paul Walker but I found myself not just writing it as a story for him but found myself actually curious as to the next chapter I would write. In truth, nothing I write is pre planned. I just let me fingers do their thing and in result, an epic story was born. I find myself attached to Katherine Howard and to the craziness in A Furious Chick.

A small tip if u are thinking about writing ur own story, on Wattpad or some other app: love what u write and be what you write. Get attached to your characters. No matter if it's fanfic or fantasy or anything. We all have creativity and passion in us. So run with it.

Who knows...I might just pop out with another book one day. Maybe another PW fanfic or maybe from the kids POV??? I don't know. Give me your thoughts and opinions.

Also: anyone that's going through anything and it's dark and cloudy just know it does get better. I don't look at any of u as a reader in all honesty, we're all Howard's. And I love u all ❤️❤️

Chicken Soup 🍜

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