7 Years of Paradise

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I stepped out onto the patio and scanned the beach for my children. I located them on the edge of the shore. The triplets were splashing each other around and my boy was sitting in the sand, playing with his race car.

"You okay?" Brian asked me.

"Babe, you think the girls are mean to Jonathan?" I turned to him.

"Are you crazy? They love that kid. I mean, they do gang up on him sometimes but that's normal."

"He just always seems alone."

"He's an introvert. It's okay." He kissed my cheek. "Gang! It's time for lunch!"

All three of them looked up. Brooke had to sign to Ruby.

"Wash hands and come to the table!" He called out onto the beach.

They all came trampolining down the beach. I can just see the sand traveling all throughout the house. Brian got a call on his cell and he moved away towards the living room. My children came crashing into me, Jon lingering in the back of the bunch. I opened my arms out to him. He grabbed ahold of me and smiled widely. He has his fathers face. Maybe a bit of Howard in his eyes.

I set the kids down at their places and began sweeping up the sand. Why did we pick a beach house?

Brian came back in and kissed my cheek.

"Who was that?"

"No one." He shook his head. "Brookie Bear, we have to go to Nastics later."

"Okay, Daddy. Blue outfit?" She asked.

"Whatever you want."

"And Ruby, your ice skating tournament is tomorrow." I signed to her. She gave me a thumbs up.

"I have to go down to a motor shop when I bring Brooke home." Brian informed me.

"Bring your son. He likes cars, too."

"Not a fun trip. Next time." He smiled.

I didn't reply. The kids ate, made a mess and ran right back outside where they got into a wrestling match. Brian went upstairs to get dressed and left his phone on the counter. I was busy sweeping up the sand trailing through the kitchen when his phone kept dinging. I picked it up. Dom. I frowned.

Since giving up my position to be a dedicated mother, I haven't really kept in touch with anyone. Only Kaleb and Alina. I just wanted to be in my paradise with my family. But Brian seemed to be in touch.

Dom: it's closed. Heading to Paris in two weeks. Need to end the threats against us now.

Dom: the team is rallied up. Kaleb hasn't answered the request. Keep Katherine occupied.

Dom: I have a flight ready for you. Let Katherine know it's just a reconnect trip.

I couldn't believe this. Brian was still working? Seven years and he's doing what he was supposed to give up? I felt tears brewing in my eyes. The level of disrespect. I ran upstairs and found Brian in his closet. I chucked his phone at him.

"Want to tell me what the fuck is happening in Paris?" I hissed.

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