𝒍. family ties

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VIVIAN STARED AT HER COFFEE MUG IN HER HANDS, DEEP IN THOUGHT. She had zoned out and reminded herself of a memory she had at five years-old. She was in her sister's room, scrounging through her makeup and nearly making a mess on her vanity.

The younger child had then been caught by her oldest sister, who immediately reacted to the situation in anger. Vivian swore she had seen red. "Viv, what the hell are you doing in here?" Genevieve questioned and Vivian whipped her head around.

"I just wanted to use some of your makeup!" Genevieve approached the young Vivian and yanked the makeup out of her hands. "Well, don't! You're gonna ruin it. This is my makeup, Vivian!"

As Genevieve put the makeup back into her makeup box, Vivian stared up at her sister with tear-filled eyes. "I just wanna be pretty like you." She said. Genevieve looked back down at her sister and immediately felt bad as Vivian stared at the girl with the biggest puppy eyes she'd ever seen.

Genevieve took a deep breath and knelt down to Vivian's level on her chair, talking to her in a quiet soft tone this time and not the harsh one she had earlier. "That's not possible. Because you are freaking beautiful. With or without makeup."

Genevieve had wiped the lipstick off of Vivian's face with a makeup wipe. "Do not let anybody ever tell you any different," Genevieve said. Vivian smiled a bit towards her older sister, who she looked up to quite a lot.

The older Hudson girl looked at her younger sister and down back at her makeup box. "I'll tell you what..." She grabbed the makeup box. "How about I do your makeup for you?" Vivian's grey-blue eyes lit up like lights as soon as Genevieve insisted. "Really?!"

"Yes, but only until Mom and Dad get home. They'd kill me if they found out about what I did to your face." Genevieve said as the two girls scrambled over to Genevieve's bed and Vivian sat still as her sister did her makeup.

"Hey, Vivian." Casey greeted as soon as she stood by her at the coffee machine and Vivian was out of her thoughts and jumped at the voice of the girl. "Hey." Vivian said. Casey took immediate notice of this. "You seem unfocused." She pointed out. "I'm fine." Vivian assured.

"How've you been since the...?" Casey motioned towards Hotch's office upstairs, which was currently occupied by Rossi and Hotch — which Rossi had been trying to invite Hotch for a night out at a jazz club.

Vivian took a deep breath once she looked back at her coffee. "We've been better. On better terms. It's not awkward." She stated.

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