𝒄𝒗. red light

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         CASEY WILLOWS WATCHED AS HER HUSBAND GLARED AT THE WOMAN RESPONSIBLE FOR PUTTING HIM IN PRISON. Never once did Casey ever consider this woman to pull these strings and be the reason her husband was in prison in the first place. She would've thought she was done with the bitch.

All Cat could do was smile devilishly at Spencer. "Spencie." She smirked. "Where's my mother and where's my son?" Spencer questioned, showing no emotion at all. "I missed you." Cat ignored.

"What did you and Lindsey do to them? How did you—?" Before Spencer could approach further, Cat pointed a threatening finger at him. "No. Stop. You don't get to walk in here and hiss at me like I'm the criminal. Now, we do this my way."

Cat kicks the chair towards Spencer and Spencer sits down in it, in no mood for any of Cat's games. "Have a seat." Casey stood in the corner, watching the woman as she spoke to her husband. "How was prison? Did you like it?" Cat asked.

"No." Spencer answered. "It's not fun, is it?" Cat questioned. "Unlike you, I didn't deserve to be there." Spencer told. "How did you stay sane? A brain like yours needs stimulation in such a gray place." Cat stated, leaning forward.

"I worked in the laundry room and I played chess." Spencer told. "That's three, maybe four hours, tops. What about the other 20?" Cat asked. "I read." Spencer told. "That's still not enough." Cat said. "You have to... go someplace." She looked towards Casey as she points to her head. Casey knew not to let this woman intimidate her but this woman took everything from her. She wanted to make her pay internally. "Up here. Or else you go crazy. Do you want to see where I go?" Cat asks Spencer.

"I'll show you. Come here." Cat gets Spencer to sit forward in front of her and as Cat goes to touch Spencer's face, Casey speaks up. "No touching." She ordered. Spencer turns over to the stern face of his wife and Cat just stares at the woman. She smirks to herself and then goes to touch Spencer's eyelids. "Close your eyes. Good. Now keep them shut. Sit back and relax." Spencer sits back in the chair.

"Now, when you open your eyes, I want you to look at me like I'm the first woman you've seen after being in prison for 3 months." Casey scoffed as Cat spoke to him, knowing that this woman meant nothing to him and her words meant nothing to Casey. She wasn't gonna let the bitch push her down when she'd already been knocked too far down.

         Casey watched as they interact, like they're in a different setting. Casey knows Spencer has to do what he has to do in order to save his mother and son. "Hello, Cat." Spencer said, pulling together a content face despite all of the pain written in it.

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