𝒍𝒙𝒊𝒙. hell to pay

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IT HAD ALREADY BEEN A WEEK SINCE SPENCER HAD BEEN GONE. Casey had managed two kids pretty well, getting help from Isaac and Leah and spending more time with them when she could. Even managing time to go and visit her dad just a few days ago at the prison in Roanoke.

But things were different at work. Garcia had been staying at the office, day and night and they figured out why. The team found out she was a target by a network of hitmen after she began investigating them in the deep web during the case of Giuseppe Montolo. Her identity was unknown to the network, so they dubbed her as 'The Dirty Dozen'. Which concluded to the team what it was. As this result, she was relocated to an old room in the BAU headquarters for her living quarters, but she continued her normal operations in assisting the team in cases. Casey knew that the number one priority was Garcia's safety, even while on cases. But Garcia managed to be her smiley self as much as she could be. It was just hard to imagine what she was going through. And Casey knew for a fact that she was definitely going stir crazy, being in the office day and night.

The team had been called in for another case and Hotch had ordered for everyone to come in bright and early. The sun hadn't even rose yet when Casey arrived, first thing she did was make herself some coffee before heading to the conference room.

Garcia was ready to start the case. "Down in sunny Illinois, Sarah Garrison, 16, has been reported missing since Friday. She was apparently last seen at a bowling alley in Rockford after a high school football game."

"It's Monday," Vivian stated. These child abduction cases were usually called in day of. "Why are we just now getting this?"

"Apparently, she told her mom that she was spending the weekend over at a friend's house so she didn't even think twice when she asked." Garcia told. "Any suspects?" Morgan asks.

"They aren't ruling anyone out yet, all except for one boyfriend, Bobby Levinson. According to Sarah's BFF, Tori Stevens, the two recently had a very bad breakup. And she has very much stated her dislike for him with a passion."

"Are they certain he's responsible for her disappearance?" Tara asks. "There's a chance she could've run off with him." JJ adds.

"He has a solid alibi," Rossi read on his file in front of him. "His friend, Clara Wendell, said they were at a mutual friend's house, Tony Fisher."

"And speaking of fishy things," Garcia interjected. "Tony was one of the few people that was last seen with Sarah. According to security footage, he picked her up and drove off with her. This was the only camera that was seen picking them up." Garcia showed the video footage of Sarah getting in the car.

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