Chapter 80

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Alright, because I've taken way too long to get this book onto Wattpad, I'm just going to upload all of the rest of the chapters without editing them (Sorry, I know the grammar is gross). I'll edit them when they're up here, but at least you don't have to wait forever to know how the story ends!

- Sian 

The morning after the party, Oliver woke at about 10:30. He would like to say that he woke feeling happy from the party and full of great memories. But in reality, he could barely remember anything and he was heavily hungover.

He opened his eyes, but closed them again when the light pierced his vision. Oliver reached up and covered his face before groaning and rolling over onto something warm.

He opened his eyes again to see Vinny, looking incredibly moody and tired. They were both in their party clothes and he still had their shoes on.

Vinny glared. There were no words to describe how ill he felt.

"You look great," Oliver whispered before lifting a hand to his head when it started throbbing.

Vinny closed his eyes in response, but then suddenly sat up.

Oliver rolled over as Vinny jumped off the bed and ran towards the bathroom. Seconds later, he could hear him throwing up. Even though his head was pounding and he was not ready to get up and use his limbs or face the light, he did anyway.

Vinny as he could now tell, was much worse than Oliver and needed comforting. So he slowly got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. His soulmate was leaning over the toilet, looking very sorry for himself.

Oliver knelt down next to him before rubbing his back when he was sick again.

Vinny sighed and concentrated on Oliver's touch, which was making him a little better. He remembered pretty much nothing from the party, or how much he drank, or what time it all finished or how they ended up back in the bedroom.

Oliver passed Vinny some tissue to wipe his mouth with, before slowly standing to brush his teeth at the sink.

They could feel how the other one was feeling and when their emotions mixed together, it made the hangover worse.

"God I feel awful," Vinny mumbled before thoroughly brushing his teeth.

Oliver leaned his chest against Vinny's back before cuddling into him. "You poor thing," he said softly, feeling his soulmate lean against him.

The only thing that was making Vinny feel better was Oliver's comfort. He was very grateful for him trying because he could feel how hungover he was too.

They then switched as Oliver brushed his teeth. He watched Vinny in the mirror with soft eyes.

They both hoped that they didn't make a fool of themselves last night. Which wasn't looking promising when they could barely remember a thing.

"I need a shower." Oliver rubbed his eyes.

"I'm joining you," Vinny said bluntly and started unbuttoning his waistcoat.

They were both too physically run down to get excited about it, but it did make them feel that tiny bit of affection. 

Vinny barely had the energy to speak, but he couldn't help to show Oliver a small smile when he gave him the biggest smile he could manage.

They groggily headed into the shower and begged that the first thing to hit them was warm water.

* * * * *

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