Chapter 85

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It was now quarter to six in the morning.

Everyone was still in the hospital but sleeping. Duke and Madison were curled up on an armchair at one side of the bed whilst Oliver and Vinny was on another one at the other side.

Vinny had been sleeping for about three hours now. He tried to stay up for as long as he could, supporting his soulmate. But he was exhausted and eventually drifted off.

Oliver, on the other hand, hasn't slept a wink.

How could he?

The person who brought him up in this world, protecting him and raising him was going to die way before his time.

John only had a few hours left, and then it would all be over.

Everything Oliver has ever experienced with this man will become a memory instead of an opportunity. His voice will become a memory and so will his laugh and even his smile. He'll never get to hear the words "I love you Ollie" Or hear him crack a joke.

Everything was gone and it slipped through Oliver's fingers like dust.

He didn't see it coming and that's what is so heart-breaking. He couldn't prepare his mind. This night had gone incredibly fast. He needed more time, they needed more time together.

But why? They were putting John out of his misery, but if Oliver could be selfish just for one time, it would be now.

He would keep his dad on life support, just so he could see him breathing and pretend like he was Just asleep.

That's it, he's just sleeping.

Oliver's chest throbbed from the heartache and the sorrow.

He leant back in the chair, making Vinny's head fall gently against his shoulder, but it didn't wake him up.

Oliver was physically shaking. He was filled with great sadness.

He watched his dad's chest raise up and down.

He would do anything to hear the sound of his voice.


Just then, Oliver's eyelids started dropping. Tiredness suddenly washed over him as he tried fighting against it, but it was like he wasn't in control. He didn't want to sleep, he couldn't.

He needed to spend every moment watching his dad.

But sleep took over his thoughts as he felt himself rest his head into Vinny's hair.

He still tried fighting it, but he was pulled deeper and deeper into a sleep. His breathing became heavier as he then drifted off.

Oliver instantly started to dream. The boys didn't know that since they connected their souls by one hundred percent, they dream the same things. Mostly because they never remember them.

But this dream would be hard to forget:

Oliver looked around, there was nothing in his sights, but white. He blinked and rubbed his eyes but he could see nothing.

As he walked forwards, he shouted and waited for a response but he heard nothing.

Where is he?

What an unusual place.

Even though everything was white, it came with a very soothing atmosphere.

Oliver sighed and turned around, But suddenly Vinny was right behind him. He jumped and placed a hand on his heart.

"Don't do that" He chuckled.

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