Chapter no.6 Quest and EXP

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Back in his seat after lunch, Naruto listened as Iruka announced the next activity.

"Since lunch is over, let's do some practice," Iruka said, his voice carrying across the classroom.

The class soon found themselves outside, standing in front of five target dummies. The students were arranged in lines, six people per line. Iruka explained the exercise: "Now, you will step up to the line and throw five kunai, then ten shuriken. After that, go to the end of your line. Everyone will get five chances to throw. We will take your best round for your grade."

Naruto's gaze drifted to Iruka as a gold '?' appeared over his head for a moment.

[ World Quest Alert ]
[ Quest Name: Kunai and Shuriken Oh My: Achieve 80% Accuracy or Better ]
[ Objective: Successfully score 80% or higher accuracy in Kunai and Shuriken throwing. ]
[ Reward for Completion: ]
  - [ Experience Points (Exp): 20 ]
  - [ Equipment Provided: ]
    - [ Academy Kunai x10 ]
    - [ Academy Shuriken x20 ]
[ Penalty for Failure: ]
  - [ Experience Points (Exp): 2 ]

Naruto was buzzing with excitement for this quest. With his new skills, he felt confident about acing the test. When his turn came, he stepped up to the line, eager to show what he could do.

On his first try, he hit the target with four out of five kunai and seven out of ten shuriken. He was a bit annoyed for not meeting the quest requirement.

The second time around, he managed to hit with all five kunai, but again fell short with the shuriken, hitting only six. He was getting closer, but it was still not enough.

By the third attempt, Naruto's focus and determination paid off. He threw with precision, hitting 86% of the targets, successfully completing the quest.

[ Completion Achieved: You've hit the target with commendable accuracy. ]
[ Rewards Granted: ]
  - [ Experience Points (Exp): 20 ]
  - [ Academy Kunai x10 ]
  - [ Academy Shuriken x20 ]

Naruto, feeling a sense of accomplishment, received another alert shortly after.

[ Path Quest Alert ]
[ Quest Name: My Personal Best: Achieve 90% Accuracy or Better ]
[ Objective: Score 90% or higher accuracy in Kunai and Shuriken throwing. ]
[ Reward for Completion: ]
  - [ Experience Points (Exp): 100 ]
  - [ Skill Book: 'Academy Intermediate Taijutsu' ]
[ Penalty for Failure: ]
  - [ Experience Points (Exp): 20 ]

If the last quest had him excited then this quest had him dancing like a monkey.

"Yatta!" Shouted Naruto excitedly.
Naruto waited practically bouncing with excitement once again to get a chance to beat this next quest.
Stepping up to the line Naruto let them rip hitting 85% again but gaining experience anyway.
"Okay, last try Naruto, do your best," said Iruka, watching from the side and keeping score as the students worked.
Naruto threw the kunai first hitting five for five. Then came the shuriken where hit eight for ten. "No," cried Naruto dropping to his knees again.

"That's an 86% Naruto, good job," said Iruka with a kind smile.

[ Quest Outcome: Failed ]
[ Result: Completion Failure ]
[ Penalty Awarded: 20 Experience Points (Exp) ]
Naruto collected the practice weapons he threw and returned them to the teachers.
"Okay, students, back inside for history," said Iruka, earning a groan from all the students.

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