Chapter no.117 Reverse Juyuken/ Gentle Fist

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Silence fell in the room and on the three shinobis still inside.

"So, verdict?" Cat asked suddenly.

"Physically, he is high chunin-level without a doubt, even if he probably does not even realize it himself. All his skills are coming along nicely, considering he was a dead last genin twenty days ago."

"All his skills but one, Captain," interjected Dog. "I'll admit I… Misjudged him and acted bellow what was expected of me at first but it does not change the fact he cannot perform the standard Chakra Burst."

"Dragon is taking care of that, Dog. We all saw how his virtual missions went this week. All completed within three hours save the one for today due to the extra complication. Never detected, never using a single jutsu save the shadow clone and the transformation."

"The shadow clone is a pretty powerful jutsu," remarked Cat in a neutral way.

"Yes, now think about what he'll be capable of with genjutsu in his arsenal."

"I'd wager genjutsu will be impossible for him, Sarge. He is a walking chakra reactor but his control is abysmal."

"Nothing that cannot be worked on."

"You are very enthusiastic taicho." Cat said suddenly, stopping her leader in his tracks.

The man kept silent for a few seconds as his subordinates and friends observed him.

"I'll admit that I enjoy teaching the boy. He has a modicum of talent and the will to see things through. Do you think it is impeding my judgment of his capacities?" Tiger asked, with in his voice a slight hesitation that betrayed his worry.

Cat hummed. "You deal with him more than we do taicho, you know him better than us. I do admit that for someone who graduated not a month ago, his progress is off the charts but I think that would be true for anyone with three dedicated teachers and enough chakra to create shadow clones en masse. I've no doubts he will make a fine ninja and I do think your evaluation of his capacities is correct but personally, I've yet to see what makes him worthy of ANBU."

"We will only get this kind of feedback from real missions, Cat." The man opposed, his tone back to its dull monotony.

"Real missions he is supposed to begin in three weeks, sergeant." The woman answered, pressing. "You said it yourself, taicho, he will be held to the same expectation of other recruits. He won't be able to begin his missions if he cannot perform the standard chakra control drill and that means de facto elimination from the trials."

Silence fell again on the three figures.

"What say you Dog?" Tiger asked his second soldier suddenly.

For a few seconds, all could hear the distinct sound of someone sucking on the inner flesh of their cheek, before the teenage ANBU spoke.

"I don't know anymore Captain. The kid is strong-willed for sure and anyone with half his handicaps would have given up. That's what makes a damn good ninja for sure but joining the family… Yeah." Dog shrugged. "I fully wish he would get this damn drill but like Cat, I do reserve judgment until I see him under fire."

"I see." Tiger joined his fingers together once again to rest his chin on. "I admit I had several discussion with the recruit, discussions that make me believe he has what it takes. That being said, the decision is collegial and Dragon-sama did stipulate that he would not benefit from any kind of favoritism."

The man sighed. "Dog, you'll work closely with Owl in order to find a solution. I ask you to trust me on this but it would be a waste for the corps to lose Uzumaki."

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