Chapter no.121 Quest Completion

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[ Skill: Yin Yang Dao - Level 1 ]

[ Description: A unique and advanced skill, Yin Yang Dao represents the mastery of balancing Yin and Yang chakra. Developed by Hiruzen, this technique enhances both the stability and effectiveness of chakra, exploiting the interplay between Yin and Yang energies. ]

[ Passive Enhancements: ]

  - [ Yang Chakra Stabilization: Passively increases the stability of Yang chakra by 15%, reducing fluctuations and enhancing control. ]

  - [ Yang Chakra Flow Enhancement: Improves the flow of Yang chakra by 10%, facilitating smoother chakra circulation and usage. ]

  - [ Yin Chakra Synergy: Enhances the interaction between Yin and Yang chakra, subtly improving overall chakra harmony. ]

  - [ Dual Chakra Equilibrium: Maintains a constant balance between Yin and Yang energies, ensuring neither dominates, which stabilizes chakra-based techniques. ]

[ Active Enhancements: ]

  - [ Yin Yang Harmony Burst: Temporarily boosts Yin chakra generation by 20% when Yang chakra is actively used, for a duration of 15 seconds. ]

  - [ Chakra Balance Surge: Activating this skill momentarily harmonizes Yin and Yang energies, enhancing the next jutsu's effectiveness by 30% for 10 seconds. ]

  - [ Yin Yang Shield: Forms a protective barrier that alternates between Yin and Yang energies, reducing incoming damage by 25% for 20 seconds. ]

  - [ Elemental Yin Yang Adaptation: Allows the user to infuse their jutsu with balanced Yin Yang chakra, increasing jutsu power by 20% and adding unique properties based on the Yin Yang balance. ]

Tiger and his teammates, alongside Owl, stood on the side of the "bowl", the room used for chakra control drills, and watched as Naruto sat at the bottom of it. Suddenly, they all heard the blond recruit take a deep breath and hold it.

Tiger felt his own breath itch and catch in his throat. Beside him, Cat and Dog had stopped breathing, they had probably forgotten how to. Owl also had suspended her need for air momentarily.

The blond dived inside his own coils and focused. The Hokage's counsel had been beyond precious to him. After an explanation of the theory of yang-release and yin-release, the reality of yin-yang-release, and the reminder that Naruto's chakra was wholly unbalanced toward the yang element, the old man had simply opened the boy's eyes by scribbling an eon old symbol: the Dao circle.

"Yang does not exist without yin, Naruto, and the opposite is also true. Your yang chakra contains plenty of yin." The Hokage had told the blond.

"Where does that leave me?"

"Well, rather than trying to filter the yin chakra directly from the Gate of Wonder, why not take yang chakra and exploit what yin is already inside?"

"Alright but how…" The blond had then slapped his forehead. "Shadow clone?" He had asked the Hokage.

The old man had only smiled widely and nodded once with pride in his eyes.

It was obvious. If yang chakra breathed substance and life into form and yin created form from nothing, it was evident the shadow clone technique relied on both. Before filling it with substance, Naruto had to imagine a replica of himself. It was entirely yin based.

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