Chapter no.37 Unwanted Attention

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It was early, ridiculously so, as the sun was just peeking through the horizon, and the atmosphere was still chilly and filled with morning dew.

Despite this, the Sandaime Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen was in his office quite earlier than most.

This was because he had a meeting scheduled earlier than normal, but he would not deny that upon hearing that Yamanaka Inoichi had requested a meeting, he was expecting a more serious topic than that of Naruto.

Still, he would give Inoichi the benefit of the doubt, considering the extenuating circumstances, it was not entirely the first time a Clan Head had approached him about the blond.

"What do you know about Uzumaki Naruto?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen would have found this question odd, and then laughed at anyone who actually had the impetus to ask him such a question.

Except, when it came from one of his most trusted shinobi, and the appointed leader of his T&I Department, then it became another issue entirely.

He responded what he knew about the boy, his parents, his background, and of course, the secret that was sealed into him.

"What do you know about Uzumaki Naruto personally?"

With that question came some guilt, as he had not invested much time into the boy's life and affairs, but what he did know, was that the boy had a fondness for Ramen, a penchant for pranks, was often loud and boisterous and wished to become the Hokage of Konoha.

"What else?"

What else? Well...

That is...

The Sandaime Hokage of Konoha found his lips furrowing into a sad thin line.

That was, as a matter of fact, all he did know about the boy.

"Hokage-sama, what if I told you that those qualities you mentioned are what everybody knows about him, and nothing else?"

Hiruzen's nose rumpled.


"Yesterday, Hokage-sama, I met with his Chunin Academy Instructors, and before that, I met with a select few of his classmates, and likewise still before that, I met the owners of the Teuchi Ramen Stand. All of them, every last one, when I asked them to tell me what they knew about Uzumaki Naruto, they recounted these exact same three things."

Yamanaka Inoichi raised three fingers.

"He loves Ramen."

One finger down.

"He likes pranking."

Another finger down.

"He wants to become the Hokage."

The Sandaime Hokage placed his hands on his desk as he gave Inoichi a stern but contemplating look.

Had this been anyone else other than Yamanaka Inoichi, he would have stopped listening and waved off their concerns on accounts of blatant paranoia and some hidden bias against Naruto.

However, Yamanaka Inoichi had known Namikaze Minato, and the two blondes had been friends and comrades, to the point in which they had sometimes worked on the same team.

Even more, Inoichi had also known Uzumaki Kushina, and the man was definitely not someone who would ever have any form of bias against her son, somewhat considering the fact that just as Uchiha Mikoto had supposedly possessed some childish infatuation with Minato during their Academy days, so had Inoichi possessed the same with Kushina.

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