Chapter no.88 Assessment

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Lunch looked a bit like breakfast. Tiger led Naruto to the cabin in the training ground and gave the boy a bento, a bottle of green liquid -the goo, as it was called by another ANBU- and a fruit. The bento was simple: rice, some meat, and vegetables. Naruto was honestly too hungry to be picky so he ate his greens without complaining. He had tried the day before and all he had received for an answer was a punch to the face anyway.

[ Item: ANBU Nutrient Goo ]

[ Category: Consumable ]

[ Description: A specially formulated nutrient paste designed for ANBU recruits. This 'Goo' is highly efficient in providing essential nutrients and energy. Its compact and easy-to-consume nature makes it ideal for missions where carrying regular food is impractical. ]

[ Usage: Consume to gain a quick and efficient nutrient boost. ]

[ Effects: ]

  - [ Upon Consumption: Health Points (HP) increase by +2. ]

  - [ Nutrient-Rich: Sustains energy levels for prolonged periods of exertion. ]

[ Warning: ]

  - [ Overconsumption Risk: Consuming more than the recommended dose of ANBU Nutrient Goo may result in the adverse status effect 'Explosive Diarrhoea', significantly impairing the recruit's operational capabilities. ]

[ Durability: Single Use ]

His hunger overriding any reservations he might have about the meal, Naruto quickly consumed the contents of the bento, choosing not to comment on the simplicity of the meal.

The blond made short work of the food, eating in silence like the other masked ninjas. He was not too keen on speaking anyhow. Any time spent to save his breath was time well spent, especially after spending the larger part of the morning jumping rope, jumping rope on one foot, jumping rope while slaloming between hula-hoops, jumping rope while dodging kunai or any kind of rope jumping Tiger could come up with. There were a thousand of ways to jump rope and some were really impressive.

With the last grains of rice consumed, Naruto assumed a lotus position near his meditating clone. After a quick nudge to signal it was time for the clone to dispel, he closed his eyes and let his consciousness sink into the ebb and flow of his chakra.

The sensation of absorbing a clone's experiences while in a state of meditation was surreal. He could feel a sudden rush in his chakra as the life energy of his clone rejoined his own, causing the flow to surge and quicken.

Naruto could feel the memories of his clone flowing into him, infusing his yin chakra and reinforcing it. The feeling of meditating within his own meditation was a dizzying and disorientating, yet profoundly enlightening experience.

Eventually, the integration ended, and Naruto felt his chakra stream return to its normal pace. The memories of the clone's kenjutsu training and chakra control experiments were firmly embedded in his mind, accompanied by the clone's feelings of exhaustion, excitement, annoyance, and others that were foreign, yet recognizably his own.

The emotional influx dissipated quickly, leaving him feeling oddly balanced and centered. His meditation ended with a deeper understanding of his clone's experiences and an enhanced appreciation for his own capacities.


[ Alert: Path Quest ]

[ Quest Title: The Art of Meditation ]

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