Chapter no.136 Vs Crystal Release

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Naruto slowly rose his hands above his head and dropped the kunai he was still holding.

Jirobo gave him a satisfied smirk.

"Good. Now kneel, you piece of t-"

Jirobo screamed as a deadly precise Air Bullet pierced his wrist, nearly sawing it off, as Naruto took out his Black Steel katanas from his inventory and sliced through Cat's pink crystal prison as it dropped his hostage.

Naruto sprung forward and meant to catch Cat's unconscious body when the memories of his one last clone -the one who had fired the Air Bullet from the side- brutally came back to him.

Something had taken it out.

The blond suddenly had the feeling a fully loaded, speeding cart colliding into him. Pain exploded on the left side of his chest as he was blindsided but at the last moment he was able to catch a glimpse of the enemy that attacked him.

[ Name: Guren (Curse Mark Inactive) ]

[ Role: Enemy Ninja ]

[ Level: 20 ]

Skidding away from the trees and into a rice paddy, the boy collected himself the best he could, as fast as he could.

'Alright, it hurts less than the training dummy,' he thought through the haze of pain.

The light padding of his armor had absorbed part of the shock and being repeatedly beaten during his training had made him resilient to pain.

Overall, Naruto's brain sent him satisfied signs, though the pain still sucked.

Righting himself, the initiate barely had the time to raise his guard before he found himself at the receiving end of a furious haymaker of Guren.

With a grunt and protesting bone, the blond absorbed the blow as he had used Earth skin jutsu and fell in a balanced stance.

Naruto immediately sprang into action. He swiftly drew the other Black stell katanas, eyeing his formidable opponent.

Noticing Guren's level was 20, he realized the seriousness of the challenge he faced. "Shit," he thought to himself, gauging her strength.

Without hesitation, Naruto closed his eyes as he needed the precipitation of mind's eye to fight such a dangerous opponent.

Naruto leaped into the air as pink crystals erupted from the ground where he had just been standing.

In mid-air, he took out several kunai and, using his Kunai Bukijutsu, skillfully attached ninja wires to them.

He then threw the kunai, anchoring them into a tree in front of him.

Guren watched, anticipating Naruto's next move.

She expected him to use the ninja wires to swing toward her, but Naruto had a different plan. He unleashed his Wind Style: Wind Cutter Technique, sending several sharp arcs of wind her way via the ninja wires as a medium.

Guren narrowly dodged these attacks, her eyes fixed on Naruto.

As she focused on him, the tree to which Naruto had attached the kunai suddenly began to fall.

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