Chapter no.147 Ask Away

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The phrase "Let's make a deal, boy," lingered in the air, reverberating in Naruto's mind. He stood there, pondering the king's intentions. What could this overwhelmingly powerful entity possibly want from him? The king was evidently more robust, skilled, and knowledgeable about the system than Naruto. He could easily seize control of Naruto's body if he wished. So, the burning question was, what did he truly desire?

Determined to uncover the king's motive, Naruto steeled himself.

"Okay," he responded cautiously, his voice steady despite the uncertainty churning within him.

In response, the king snapped his fingers. Instantly, a series of notifications materialized in front of Naruto, floating in the mindscape's void.

[ System Notification: Activation of System Contract by Constellation Rank Player "The Lone King Upon the Throne of Heavens." ]

[ System Contract: A mutually binding agreement facilitated by the system, serving as the impartial mediator. Both parties agree to specific terms or clauses, which are enforced by the system. ]

[ One-Clause Contract Offered to Player Naruto Uzumaki ]

[ One-Clause Contract Definition: A type of System Contract where each party adds one specific clause. The contract is binding upon acceptance of terms by both parties. ]

[ Clause from Party A: "The Lone King Upon the Throne of Heavens" requests the transfer of 100 Luck Points from Party B. ]

[ Clause from Party B: Naruto Uzumaki is required to add a corresponding clause to complete the contract formation process. ]

Naruto's eyes scanned the system notification with a mix of surprise and skepticism. The idea of a system contract was novel to him, and the concept intrigued him. However, the clause demanding 100 Luck Points from him caused a frown to crease his forehead. His luck stat had always been an enigma, marked by a mysterious question mark. The thought of parting with such a significant amount of luck, especially when he couldn't even quantify his own, was unsettling.

With a calmness possibly imparted by the Mind of Nirvana skill, Naruto pondered over the king's proposal. The possibility that he might actually have 100 Luck Points intrigued him. Why else would the king ask for precisely that amount? He considered the king's demand, weighing his options carefully.

"Can you offer me a skill in exchange?" Naruto inquired, trying to negotiate.

"No," came the king's curt reply.

"A feat then?" Naruto pressed on.

"No," the king repeated, unyielding.

"An item, maybe?" Naruto ventured with a hint of desperation.

Again, the king's response was a flat "No."

Frustration bubbled inside Naruto. "Then what the hell can you offer me?" he exclaimed, his patience wearing thin.

"Not destroying Konoha," the king answered simply, his tone devoid of emotion.

Naruto's lips pressed into a thin line. His mind raced with thoughts of defiance, of rejecting the king's demand, but he hesitated. The uncertainties surrounding the gamer's respawn mechanism and its reliability gnawed at him. Was it worth the risk? Could he gamble the fate of Konoha on a chance?

"Goddamnit," Naruto muttered under his breath. "If only I had answers... Answers."

He repeated the word 'answers' like a mantra, a sliver of hope flickering in his mind. Maybe, just maybe, there was a way to navigate this predicament.

[ System Update: Clause Registration by Player Naruto ]

[ Contract Update: One-Clause Contract between "The Lone King Upon the Throne of Heavens" and Naruto Uzumaki ]

[ Clause from Party B: Naruto Uzumaki has registered the clause "10 Questions." Under this clause, Party B (Naruto Uzumaki) is entitled to ask ten questions. Party A ("The Lone King Upon the Throne of Heavens") is obligated to provide clear, concise, and detailed answers to these questions. ]

[ Contract Status: Pending Acceptance by Party A ]

The king's gaze flickered over the words, a hint of intrigue in his eyes.

"Quite the specific clause," the king mused, his voice echoing in the vast expanse of Naruto's mind.

"I've learned my lesson about letting you take advantage of me," Naruto retorted, a hint of defiance in his tone. The king let out a short snort, amused by Naruto's assertiveness.

"Why 10 questions?" the king inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Naruto's response was measured, his words carefully chosen. "As long as the answers are to the point, concise, clear, and detailed... 10 questions are all I need."

The king's chuckle reverberated around them.

"You're quite an interesting boy, aren't you?" he remarked, a smile playing on his lips.

Naruto stood his ground, unflinching. He was playing a dangerous game, but he was determined to see it through.

[ System Notification: Contract Acceptance Confirmed ]

[ Contract Status: Accepted by Party A - "The Lone King Upon the Throne of Heavens" ]

[ Party B's 10 Questions Initiation: ]

  - [ Naruto Uzumaki may now begin asking his ten questions. ]

  - [ Current Progress: 0 out of 10 questions asked. ]

[ System Moderation: Active ]

  - [ The system will now monitor and ensure compliance with the contract's terms. Party A is obligated to provide clear, concise, and detailed answers to Party B's questions. ]

  - [ Party B (Naruto Uzumaki) is advised to commence the questioning. ]

Naruto exhaled slowly, steeling himself for his first question, the one that had been burning in his mind since the day everything changed. "What is the System?" he asked, his voice steady yet filled with an undercurrent of urgency.

The king's reaction was immediate and telling. He paused, his eyes flickering towards the floating system notification with a wariness that was uncharacteristic of his usually confident demeanor. It was as if the very question stirred a deep concern, a fear of the unknown, or perhaps, the known.

Naruto's sharp eyes didn't miss the king's hesitation. He sensed he had treaded into a territory that even the king seemed cautious about. "Did I ask something I shouldn't have?" Naruto thought to himself, a flicker of doubt crossing his mind.

The king finally spoke, his voice carrying a weight that wasn't there before. "That's a heavy question, boy," he said slowly. "You sure you want to use one of your precious ten on something so... vast?"

Naruto nodded firmly, his resolve unwavering. "It's the question that's been at the core of everything," he asserted. "I need to know, no matter how complex the answer might be."

The king let out a long sigh, as if bracing himself for what was to come. "Alright, then," he said. "But brace yourself. The System is more than just a set of rules and notifications. It's the very fabric of a reality that you're only beginning to understand."


[ Author Note: Ok; so in thr next few chapters, we will get some answers on the system etc. Comment which questions, you would like to be discussed in the following chapters. ]

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