Chapter no.23 Spirit Possession

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It was not every day Umino Iruka chose to treat Naruto out to dinner, and it was even rarer for him to offer to pay up the boy's backed-up debts, but, as he had found out from the resident gossip amongst the student's, Naruto had asked out the young Yamanaka heiress and he had been brutally turned down.

Though not exactly possessing sagely wisdom in the art of romance, the Chunin Teacher felt that the young boy needed some company – or at the very least, needed some ramen to make him bounce back to his usual self.

But Naruto was actually wrestling with a different problem: "Should I use the skill rune or not?" 

He was deep in thought, weighing his options, completely unaware of Iruka's worried look.

The steam from their ramen bowls filled the air, and the quiet ticking of the clock seemed to press on Naruto. He knew he had to make a decision soon about the skill rune, but it was a tough choice. 

[ Item: Skill Rune Stone ]

[ Status: Used ]

[ Acquired Skill: Spirit Possession ]

[ Skill: Spirit Possession ]

[ Class: Spirit Warden ]

[ Effect: Enables semi-partial possession by a spirit, allowing the player to access the spirit's abilities. ]

[ Slot Status: Empty ]

[ Activation: Open the slot to generate a random spirit for possession. ]

[ Caution: The chosen spirit will become the default spirit for summoning. ]

[ Action Required: Acceptance or Declination of Skill Use ]

Surrounded by the comforting steam of their ramen, Naruto finally shrugged and decided, "Why not?" He accepted the use of the skill rune.

Suddenly, a card materialized on the system screen. It depicted a figure from the late 19th century, renowned for his sharp deductive skills. The man was dressed in a classic deerstalker hat and an elegant Victorian-era coat, clutching a magnifying glass. His piercing eyes and thoughtful expression suggested deep intelligence and remarkable powers of observation.

 His piercing eyes and thoughtful expression suggested deep intelligence and remarkable powers of observation

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[ Skill: Spirit Possession ]

[ Description: Allows partial possession by a spirit of Sherlock Holmes. ]

[ Stat Enhancements: ]

  - [ Intelligence (INT): +20 ]

  - [ Wisdom (WIS): +20 ]

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