Chapter no.72 Vs Cult Leader

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In the depths of the chasm, the boss monster moved towards the pit, its every step heavy with menace. Suddenly, a scream pierced the air.

"Take this, you dog bastard!" a Naruto clone yelled, throwing the demon child's spiked rattle into the pit with such force that it shattered upon impact.

The boss monster, startled by the unexpected attack, leaped back just in time to see the Naruto hoisting the giant rattle over his shoulder. As the boss lunged forward to attack, a thick ash cloud enveloped the entire tunnel, obscuring everything in a hazy veil.

Frustrated, the boss clicked his tongue, sensing an imminent attack from behind. With a swift backward kick, he managed to disperse a Naruto clone that had attempted a sneak attack.

Up above, another Naruto clone, enhanced by the wind element on his katana, clashed with the boss's flame-tipped spear. The spear cut through the clone with ease, like a hot knife through butter, while another clone, using the Body Flicker Jutsu, was impaled by the boss's other spear.

In a moment of desperation, the boss raised his spears high, a magic circle forming around him. He transmuted the smoke-filled air back into oxygen, revealing dozens of Naruto clones surrounding him. They were everywhere – on the ceiling, the walls, each one readying their attack.

The boss took a deep breath, and in an instant, transmuted the blood in the air and on the ground into iron. Spikes shot out in all directions, impaling every single Naruto clone.

But instead of cries of pain, each clone smiled, their bodies starting to glow.

Like a second sun igniting in the tunnel, they all exploded in a massive blast.

The aftermath of the explosion was like a scene from a nightmare.

The chasm was scarred and scorched, the walls blackened and the air thick with smoke and debris.

The pool of bluish liquid was now a turbulent whirlpool of disturbed water and blood.

In the center of this devastation stood the boss monster, burns covering its body. Despite the ferocity of the attack, it remained largely unscathed.

[ HP: 15000 → 14900 ]

The boss monster growled in frustration as it found itself surrounded by an ever-increasing number of Naruto clones. These clones fearlessly leaped into the pit, attacking relentlessly.

The boss retaliated fiercely, hurling its spear to impale several clones, causing them to vanish in puffs of smoke.

Naruto had cleverly rigged some of his clones with explosive seals while leaving others without, creating unpredictability in his assault.

The boss, recognizing this tactic, clicked its tongue in annoyance.

The sound of dozens of clones landing thudded through the pit.

They charged at the boss using the Body Flicker technique, but the boss was ready, blasting, slashing, and cutting them down with its spear.

Suddenly, the boss noticed Naruto grabbing the spear impaled in the wall and rushing towards it.

A smirk crossed the boss's face as it met the clone's lunge with its own attack.

For a second, they were locked in a stalemate, the clone holding its ground against the boss's immense strength. However, this moment was all Naruto needed.

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