Chapter no.108 Genin Teams

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Iruka had visited the Hokage early this morning with the results of his early investigation.

The old ruler had not been pleased with the news.

The idea that at least an entire class had had its results tempered without anyone noticing was worrying and had darkened the Hokage's brow.

It did not make sense. Whoever was responsible for the sabotage had operated in a variety of ways. Some tests had been entirely modified, like Naruto's and Hinata's, to appear worse than they really were but the method left identifiable traces of the alteration. The only reason for someone to do the modification this way, was if their time was limited. Others had simply not been corrected correctly. It pointed directly to the teacher responsible for marking those tests as the guilty party.

Corruption? Blackmail? Genjutsu?

Worst case scenario, there were several infiltrators who did not know of each other, tasked with modifying the tests the master-mind wanted to be modified, all in different fashions.

The feeling of guilt that was added on top of the quagmire did not help Iruka think clearly. He had failed his students. All of them but he felt like Naruto had been the prime victim. Iruka had not believed the blond when he had assured him that some of his results did not make sense. Rather than taking thirty little seconds to check his tests, Iruka had been dismissive of Naruto's claims. The chunin had been condescending. Naruto was the endearing screw-up, the clown, he obviously was not that capable.

The brown-haired chunin rubbed his eyes and sighed.

Why had he refused to see it?

Naruto had taken the genin exam three times, which was unusual because the exam is typically only taken at a certain age. However, in rare cases, especially during wartime, exceptions are made. Strangely, Naruto's early applications were always accepted. Iruka was curious about this and asked the principal, who nonchalantly explained that they let Naruto take the exam just for the sake of it. They never intended to pass him, thinking he just wanted to emulate the Fourth Hokage, who was known to have graduated early. The principal, a trusted figure since the era of the Second Hokage, seemed unbiased against Naruto.

Despite knowing that the academy had no intention of letting Naruto pass, Iruka decided to check the exams anyway, as he wanted to confirm a suspicion he had.

All three times, his written results had been acceptable as Iruka was the one correcting the tests.

Not excellent but way above his usual marks.

Why had Iruka not realized? The brown-haired man growled under his breath and shook his head.

He was not solving this right now. Konoha had at least avoided the worst by redefining the new genin teams, even following some, if not all, of his recommendation. The teacher sighed and looked at the gathered students -ex-students, he corrected himself- who he had taught for four years.

Those who were here had all a shiny new headband adorning their head. Iruka felt his heart clench at the thought that if there was one person deserving to be here, it was a blond, blue-eyed boy who had been forced to fight for the hitai-ite that should have been his by right. A boy that was right now punished, in part because Iruka had not done his job properly.

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