Chapter no.74 Night

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[ Konoha - ANBU Commander Office ]

"You called for me, Commander."

The individual who had just spoken was cloaked and masked, like all his peers.

The mask he was wearing was in the shape of a tiger.

The eye holes were underlined in red, it had two claw-like whiskers on each side, a crescent around the left eye and a flame under the right one, all in the same red color. Various other markings, of different colors, were also visible.

Whoever was hiding behind the mask was a member of the third company, the captain of an ANBU squad, a ninjutsu and close-combat specialist, and a veteran of many campaigns.

"I did Tiger," answered Dragon from behind his desk.


The shadow added, designating a chair.

Wordlessly, the operative obeyed and settled in front of his commander.

"Your squad has been lacking a member for a while now, Tiger."

The soldier nodded.

There was no need for an answer, apart from what politeness dictated, so the ninja went for a terse "indeed".

"I do believe I have a potential recruit for you."

The silent operative stood still for a second before he nodded again and inched forward slightly.

Normally, recruits were introduced to their potential squad leader by the anbu administration.

For the commander of all ANBU to introduce the recruit directly was highly unusual.

Not unheard of though.

"His name is Naruto Uzumaki," said Dragon. "You might have heard of him." The commander added with mirth in his voice.

Tiger nodded.

Everyone and their mother knew Naruto Uzumaki.

The ANBUs were never tasked with catching the brat, it did not mean they did not know or hear of his exploits.

Some of his traps were actually frequently discussed by the members of the "Recluse", as they apparently were downward vicious. Tiger had never interacted with the boy obviously and he personally had no opinion on him.

"You know what he is, of course."

The operative nodded once again.

Everyone and their aunts, but not their children, knew Naruto Uzumaki was the jinchuriki.

Which was strange, as jinchuriki were supposed to be trump cards and final weapons in wartime. Tiger shrugged internally; it had been revealed long ago and it was not his place to question the decision of the higher-ups.

"If I may, commander?" Asked the operative in a distorted monotone.

"Go ahead."

"What prompted his scouting?"

"The facts he has quite the potential. He was the one responsible for the break-in and the momentaneous disappearance of the Forbidden Scroll."

Tiger rose his brow discreetly, not that anyone would notice given his mask, and kept himself from whistling.

The boy was behind the breaking?

It was impressive.

Impressive but not enough.

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