Chapter no.122 Progress

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As Dog and Owl carefully carried the unconscious form of Naruto, Tiger and Cat swiftly made their exit from the training "bowl". Their steps echoed in unison through the stark, sterile corridors of the Central Barracks, a network of paths that they navigated with practised ease.

Upon reaching the nondescript yet heavily secured door of the general's office, Tiger delivered a series of measured knocks. A muffled voice granted them entry.

"Come in," commanded Dragon, his voice carrying the weight of command even through the thick panel of the door.

"Tiger three reporting, in the company of Cat five," Tiger stated crisply as they stepped inside.

Dragon set aside a stack of papers, his movements precise, methodical, and turned his full attention to them. "Go ahead," he prompted, his voice never betraying any emotion.

"Recruit Uzumaki has successfully applied the solution and can now perform the chakra burst, sir," Tiger reported, a hint of pride unwittingly seeping into his tone.

Dragon's posture shifted ever so slightly, an indication of his interest. "Good. Excellent even," he said, the closest to enthusiasm he would ever express. For a moment, it seemed as if the room's temperature had lifted ever so slightly with the general's satisfaction.

The general's pleasure was rooted in a deep-seated relief. Pushing Naruto had been a risk, albeit an unintentional one. He'd promised the boy no favoritism, and he'd held to that promise. Naruto had been trained rigorously, starting from scratch like every other recruit. The chakra issue, however, had been an unforeseen challenge, one that Dragon was glad to have overcome.

"I want details," Dragon eventually stated, his eyes locking onto Tiger's.

"Hai, general," Tiger responded, taking a moment to compose his thoughts. "The first part of the solution involved teaching recruit Uzumaki to locate his own tenketsus. Surprisingly, it was relatively easy for him to map his chakra circulatory system."

Before Tiger could continue, Cat interjected, "And while Naruto has shown significant improvement in chakra control exercises to the level of high chunin, his performance today also demonstrated that he can adapt and control chakra release under high-stress situations."

"Hmm, send me Naruto's medical report and keep him practicing Chakra Burst till he doesn't just pass out from releasing all his chakra at once."

Tiger and Cat nodded.


The silence that had followed the departure of Tiger and Cat was abruptly broken by the whisper of shifting shadows. Danzo stepped out, his presence like a chill draft in the once calm office.

"Report," he demanded, his voice as cold as the steel of a kunai.

Dragon, unfazed by the sudden intrusion, responded without delay. "The issue with Naruto's tenketsu points has been resolved. The squad will be ready for missions within the week."

Danzo's gaze remained as piercing and unyielding as ever. "The Hyuga gave up one of their prized techniques. What did they want in return?"

"A setup and a following arrest," Dragon replied, his voice betraying none of his distaste for the politics at play.

Danzo's lips curled into a sardonic grin, as if the perversity of the situation pleased him. "Have the males examined—physically, medically. Have their eyes removed and used for the greater good of Kanto with Root. And their sperm... to impregnate ten strong operatives from Root. Is that understood?"

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