Chapter no.13 Knowledge is Power

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Every academy student learns one important saying: The life of a Shinobi is held by the tip of the knife that is knowledge.

Many people believed Naruto was oblivious to this saying, or too foolish to understand it.

If he could, Naruto would gladly retort, "You're all the stupid ones, temes."

How could he pull off such masterful pranks without a solid grasp of knowledge? He knew everything about his targets—their habits, the best timing, and all the necessary prep work.

Pranking was practically an art form that required serious smarts.

Lately, especially after the whole Fujino debacle, Naruto had begun to truly value his system's Observer feat.

It was like having cheat codes in a video game; he barely had to lift a finger to gather all the crucial intel he needed.

"I should do a prayer ritual thanking the system with ramen," Naruto mused, then winced at the thought of wasting good ramen.

"Nah, that's too much. Maybe I'll just drop 10 yen in the next beggar's cup."

Satisfied with this plan, he nodded to himself and scanned the classroom, eyeing a few students he knew could give him trouble in the Taijutsu spar.

As the sparring matches began, nothing particularly special caught Naruto's attention until he observed some of his stronger classmates. Shikamaru gave up against a civilian ninja of level 2, prompting a few chuckles around the training ground while Naruto's eyes, observed.

[ Name: Akimichi Chouji ]

[ Status: Fat (Increased HP and CON due to robust physique, -2 penalty to DEX for reduced agility) ]

[ Title: Academy Student ]

[ Level: 5 ]

[ Class: Shinobi of the Akamicki Clan ]

[ Race: Human ]

[ HP: 498 / 498 ]

[ AC: 10 ]

[ CP: 250 / 250 ]

[ Lineage Traits: ]

  - [ Yang Physique ]

[ Class Features: ]

  - [ Controllable Analgesia ]

[ Feats: N/A ]

[ Stats: ]

  - [ STR: 14 ]

  - [ DEX: 8 (10 - 2 penalty) ]

  - [ CON: 16 (14 + 2 from Enhanced Stamina) ]

  - [ INT: 10 ]

  - [ WIS: 10 ]

  - [ CHA: 10 ]

[ Allies: Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara ]

[ Equipment: ]

- [ Weapons: REDACTED ]

- [ Armor: REDACTED ]

- [ Gear: REDACTED ]

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