Chapter no.22 Love of a Flower part 2

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Finding naruto was the hardest part, it was especially harder to track him down to a recluse location, one in which she knew billboard brow and a group of other girls would be watching from the bushes, probably ready to watch her make a fool of herself.

She had hoped she'd be the one watching the pink-haired bimbo ask Naruto out, it would have been the most hilarious thing to watch as the blond would have been so ecstatic, ignorant of the girl's own dismay.

Plus the rumours, oh, the rumours!

"Um… Naruto-kun?"

"Huh? Ino?" The blond stared at her, looking both left and right as though uncertain "You talkin' to me?"

Ino felt her anger bubble up, but let it slide low. "I don't think there's any other person named Naruto in Konoha, is there?"

The boy put his hands behind his head and let out an awkward laugh that almost made Ino cringe.

"Yeah! I'm the one and only Naruto Uzumaki dattebayo!"

Ino desperately wished the Shinigami would take her there and then.

"So… Naruto-kun, there's something I wanted to tell you…"

"Huh? Really?"

"You see… Naruto-kun, I've been watching you for a while now, and I didn't want to tell you this… but I…"

The words formed in her mouth, as she stared at the inquisitive blue eyes of the shorter blond, she found herself wondering why they would not come forth. Maybe it was something odd about how his eyes seemed to examine her, or how they lit up with an emotion she could not quite recognize, or perhaps, it was the giggling of the girls she could hear that made her uncertain of how to proceed.


She didn't quite understand it herself, this was Naruto of all people… he bounced back from anything… so what if she was going to get his hopes up and lie to his face… she shouldn't care, it shouldn't matter to her… It's not like she was going to break his heart or anything… so why was she unable to find the right words to say?

"Hey Ino!"

The sudden exclamation, threw her off guard, and she found him staring at her with a concentrated gaze she did not know he had possessed.


"Go out on a date with me! To Ichiraku Ramen!"

The girl could not have been any more floored if the Hokage himself had pranced by on a unicycle while crossdressing as a lesbian.


"I know it's kinda sudden – but you're a really cool person ya know? I mean, we've both got awesome blond hair – though mine is way cooler – and I think you're pretty."

She idly wondered if one of her clan members had taken over Naruto's body with the Clan Jutsu and made him say those words, but instead, she shook it off as the universe being in her favor on this odd particular occasion.

Naruto had asked her out on a date, hence, she couldn't ask him out anymore – the bet was null and void.

She was free!

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