Chapter no.101 Meeting Shimura Danzo

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[ Items ]

  - [ Bead of Transcendence ]

    [ Description: A mystical bead radiating an aura of profound power. Its effects remain unknown until activated. Once used, it promises to unveil abilities or enhancements that transcend ordinary limits. The nature of its power is mysterious, and its effects are revealed only upon use. ]

    [ Durability: One time Usage ]

- [ Ouija Board ]

    [ Description: A board marked with letters, numbers, and other symbols, used to communicate with spirits. Participants place their fingers on a planchette, which then moves to spell out messages.]

        [ Durability: 100/100 ]

- [ Doll of Comfort ]

    [ Description: A delicately crafted doll imbued with soothing energies. It possesses a passive effect of alleviating trauma and providing comfort to its holder. The doll is often used to calm the mind and ease emotional distress, offering a sense of peace and security to those who embrace it. ]

         [ Durability: 500/500 ]

  - [ Hero's Insignia ]

    [ Description: A revered insignia awarded posthumously to Maria by the world, signifying her valor. Now in the player's possession, it accumulates Karma through righteous deeds, which can be utilized to enhance abilities and actions. ]

    [ Durability: N/A ]

    [ Karma Stat Added: Accumulates points based on good deeds, used to power the Insignia's effects. ]

    [ Passive Effects: ]

      - [ Aura of Virtue: For every 100 Karma points, increase in moral standing by 5% causing others to readily trust you. ]

      - [ Protector's Blessing: For every 50 Karma points, gain a 1% increase in resilience and defense. ]

      - [ Guiding Light: Every 150 Karma points improve decision-making and intuition by 3%. ]

      - [ Empathic Resonance: For each 100 Karma points, gain a 2% increase in diplomacy and peaceful resolution effectiveness. ]

    [ Active Effects: ]

      - [ Karma Surge: Use 2000 Karma points to boost all stats by +10 for 5 minutes. ]

      - [ Shield of Retribution: Spend 100 Karma points to form a barrier absorbing damage. ]

      - [ Beacon of Hope: Utilize 300 Karma points to increase ally morale and combat capabilities by 15% for 10 minutes. ]

      - [ Righteous Wrath: Expend 500 Karma points for an attack with strength proportional to accumulated Karma (1% increase in attack power per 50 Karma points). ]

Exiting the bathroom, Naruto couldn't help but grin as he scrolled through the items on his screen, each one adding to his arsenal of abilities. His mood was light, almost giddy with the recent victories and acquisitions.

An ANBU recruit, washing his hands at the sink, glanced over at Naruto's amused expression.

"Was the poop that great?" he asked.

Naruto, caught off guard by the question, stammered for a moment.

"What? Oh... uh, yeah," he said, a flush of embarrassment coloring his cheeks.

The recruit raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Sure, man. Whatever you say," he said, chuckling.

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