Chapter no.143 Alliance

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Deep within the secretive territory of the Land of Sound, hidden beneath layers of deception, lay the sprawling network of laboratories that formed the heart of Otokagure.

It was here, in one of these clandestine labs, that Orochimaru, a pale man with serpent-like eyes and sleek black

Orochimaru stood motionless, his gaze fixed on the vials and specimens before him. Suddenly, he paused, a flicker of disturbance crossing his usually impassive features.

His assistant, sensing the change, looked up with a mix of curiosity and fear.

"Lord Orochimaru, is something wrong?" the assistant ventured cautiously, his voice barely more than a whisper.

"I just felt Jirobo's seal break," Orochimaru replied, his voice tinged with an ominous edge that sent shivers down his assistant's spine.

A wave of bloodlust radiated from Orochimaru.

For the first time in years, a sense of panic seemed to grip Orochimaru. He had meticulously crafted the cursed seals of heaven and earth as a contingency against his own mortality, imbuing them with fragments of his soul. These seals were his insurance, unbreakable fortresses of his design. Yet now, he sensed the unthinkable: one of his seals had been shattered, a part of his soul lost.

"Find where Jirobo's last location is, now!" Orochimaru commanded, his voice rising to a scream, echoing off the cold, sterile walls. His assistant and guards scrambled in haste, their movements a flurry of urgency.

Moments later, the assistant reappeared, breathless. "My Lord, Jirobo was on the border collecting new experiment material," he reported, his voice trembling.

Without a word, Orochimaru snatched a map from the table and vanished in a blur, his body flickering out of the lab with supernatural speed. He was headed for the border, driven by a singular purpose.

Orochimaru knew that he would not entrust this matter to anyone else.

The threat to his cursed seal, to his very existence, was something he would deal with personally. He would find this unknown adversary, this threat to his carefully laid plans, and he would killed them.

No one, Orochimaru vowed, would be allowed to challenge his supremacy and live to tell the tale.


At the border, the situation was quickly spiraling into chaos.

Tiger found himself facing what could only be described as his worst nightmare. His teammate Cat lay incapacitated, while Dog, alongside her ninja hounds, was paralyzed with fear.

The source of their terror was none other than Naruto, enveloped in a four-tailed Kyuubi chakra cloak.

The sight before Tiger was beyond anything he had ever imagined possible.

Naruto, or rather the entity controlling him, was manipulating chakra in ways that defied all known laws of shinobi combat.

In his mind, Tiger couldn't help but fear that this wasn't Naruto at all, but the Kyuubi in full control.

The transformation was so complete, so overwhelmingly powerful, that it left no room for doubt.

This was not the Naruto they knew.

Tiger's gaze shifted to Guren. "I propose a truce," Tiger suggested, his voice steady despite the chaos around them.

Guren laughed mockingly, "Why, can't control your subordinate?"

Tiger ignored the taunt, his eyes never leaving the imposing figure of Naruto.

"Yes," he growled in response. "Now, you have two choices: Fight with us or die alone."

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