Chapter no.163 Pranks

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Kiba was having a rough day.

First, he lost to that darn Uchiha, Sasuke, which was annoying enough.

Then, he had to sit through a long lecture from Asuma Sensei, which did nothing to improve his mood.

To top it off, when he tried to ask Hinata out, she didn't even glance his way, too busy scribbling in her strange notebook about Naruto Uzumaki.

As he walked in, Kiba's mood soured further at the sight of an unfamiliar pair of shoes by the door.

His mother wasn't due home yet, which led him to one conclusion: his sister Hana must have a boyfriend.

With a click of his tongue, Kiba's annoyance grew.

"If that guy doesn't bring me something cool, he's not getting my approval," he muttered to himself.

Akamaru, barked in agreement.

As he entered, a strange moan echoed through the house, painting his cheeks with an immediate blush.

"No way," he thought, a mischievous giggle escaping him despite the embarrassment. He had never pegged his sister Hana for being so... forward.

But then, a name cut through the air, freezing him in his tracks.

"Naruto! Harder!"

The voice was unmistakably Hana's.




Kiba's mind raced, panic and disbelief swirling in a tumultuous storm.

Without thinking, he dashed towards Hana's room, his heart pounding against his ribcage.

Bursting through the door, Kiba came to an abrupt halt, his eyes widening in utter disbelief.

There, in the center of the room, was Naruto, no longer the slender brat Kiba knew, but a Naruto, transformed into an outlandishly muscular figure, was a sight to behold.

His arms, now the size of large tree trunks, were defined with bulging veins and muscles that seemed to ripple with even the smallest movement.

Each muscle fiber was exaggerated to comic proportions, from the biceps that looked like they could easily lift boulders, to the abs that were so distinctly chiseled, you'd think they were carved out of stone. His chest muscles, puffed out and enormous, flexed dramatically with every breath he took, showcasing the over-the-top strength this version of Naruto possessed. The transformation was so complete, Naruto appeared to glow with an orange hue, emphasizing his newfound, exaggerated physique, as if he had stepped right out of a bodybuilding competition's victory pose.

Beside him, Hana was in a similar bodybuilding position as the duo was flexing.

"Oh! Kiba-kun?" Naruto boomed with a grin.

"Do you even lift?" Hana said as she did another pose.

In his stunned state, Kiba took a step back, only to slip on a conveniently placed banana peel.

As he fell, a series of traps activated in rapid succession.

First, tar rained down, coating him from head to toe, followed by a flurry of chicken feathers sticking to the sticky mess.

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