Chapter no.52 The Power of Poultry Compels You

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All things considered, the seals on the Forbidden Scroll were hard and complex for a normal person. For an Uzumaki, the flaws in the scroll's seals stood out like sore thumbs, beckoning Naruto to exploit them.

Naruto's hand glowed with chakra as he focused on the seals.

"Alright, let's see... 'Fuin Kai: Senryaku Teikai'!" he declared, striking the seal with precision.

The seal reacted immediately, the intricate patterns shimmering under the influence of Naruto's chakra.

He could feel the layers of the seal unraveling, like threads being pulled from a tightly woven cloth.

"This is like picking a lock, only a thousand times cooler," Naruto thought, his focus unwavering.

The seal's defenses were formidable, but Naruto's level over Fuinjutsu gave him the upper hand.

With each passing second, the seal's resistance waned, until finally, with a flourish of his hand, Naruto uttered, "Fuin Hōkai!"

The seal broke, dissipating into a cloud of chakra particles that glowed briefly before vanishing.

"Yes! That's how you do it!" Naruto exclaimed, unable to contain his excitement.

He stepped back, admiring his handiwork.

Naruto stood before the Forbidden Scroll of Seals, now cracked open and revealing its contents.

A grin spread across his face, but it quickly turned into a frown as he scanned the revealed jutsu.

Only two techniques were listed: Shadow Clone and Shadow Weapon.

His eyes widened in disbelief as he realized that the rest of the jutsu scrolls were blanks except for a few journals.

[ Items ]
[ Hashirama Senju's Journal - Journey through the World ]
[ Description: An invaluable journal penned by Hashirama Senju, the First Hokage. It chronicles his travels and experiences across the world, offering insights into his philosophy and the formation of Konoha. ]
[ Durability: N/A ]

[ Tobirama Senju's Personal Diary ]
[ Description: The personal diary of Tobirama Senju, the Second Hokage. This diary contains his thoughts, theories on jutsu, and the administrative challenges of his time as Hokage. ]
[ Durability: N/A ]

[ Hiruzen Sarutobi Journal: The Most Beautiful Women in the World with Bikini Pictures ]
[ Description: A journal by Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage. It unexpectedly contains a collection of bikini pictures and his commentary on the most beautiful women from every nation. ]
[ Durability: N/A ]

Naruto's brows knitted in frustration.

"Why the hell am I working so hard for two jutsu I already know and three crummy journals?" he exclaimed, his voice laced with annoyance and disbelief.

He gazed at the Forbidden Scroll, expecting to find a treasure trove of secret techniques and forbidden knowledge.

Instead, he found entries he was already familiar with and diaries that didn't quench his thirst for powerful jutsu.

"Gah, where are the forbidden techniques? Where are the super awesome Jutsus?" Naruto complained, his voice echoing in the empty room.

He felt cheated, expecting more from the legendary Forbidden Scroll that was supposed to hold the most secretive and powerful jutsus of Konoha.

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