Chapter no.93 Diary of Dahlia Gillespie

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Diary of Dahlia Gillespie

Recorded on September 1:

I'm not sure why I've decided to start this diary. It's not as if anyone else will read it. I've already lived through everything I'm about to record, so what's the point? It all feels so stupid.


Recorded on September 8:

Okay, maybe there was something to this after all. My therapist, who's somehow a mind reader, knew I hadn't written a single word in this diary. She insists it'll help me. Help me with what, exactly? Still, I suppose I should at least try. Maybe it's better to write these thoughts than to let them fester in my mind.

Let's start with the basics. My name is Dahlia Gillespie. I am currently a caretaker at the orphanage in Centralia, Pennsylvania. I'm not sure how I ended up here. It wasn't exactly a lifelong dream or anything. More like a series of unfortunate events that led me to this place.

I'm 26 years old, and if I'm being honest, pretty lonely. No real friends to speak of, and my romantic life is non-existent. But I guess that's not what this diary is for. It's supposed to be about my experiences here, at the orphanage.

So, here I am, in this quiet, forgotten town, tending to children who have nowhere else to go. There's a sense of melancholy that hangs over this place. Maybe it's the town itself, or maybe it's just me projecting my own feelings onto it.

I'll write more when I can, or when I feel like it. For now, this is enough.


Recorded on October 15:

Life at the orphanage is a mix of joy and sorrow. Each child here carries their own story, their own little world of experiences. Some days are filled with laughter, the kind that reminds you there's still innocence in this world. But then, there are the nights when you hear their cries, their nightmares, and you remember the unfairness of it all.


Recorded on November 3:

I've come to realize that working in an orphanage is more than just a job. It's about being a part of these children's lives, maybe the only stable part they have. I see them grow, learn, and sometimes, I see them leave for a new family. That's the joy – seeing them find happiness. The sorrow comes in knowing that not all of them will be that lucky.


Recorded on December 1:

Centralia... this town. It's like time forgot about this place. It's frustrating how isolated we are, how the world just moves on outside while we're stuck in a loop. The town has its own ghosts, and sometimes I feel like we're all just living in their shadows. It's suffocating, this feeling of being trapped in a place that doesn't seem to want to move forward.


Recorded on January 10:

I had a moment today with one of the kids. He asked me if I was happy here. I didn't know what to say. Am I happy? Some days, yes. When I see them smiling, it feels like everything is right in the world. But then, I look outside these walls, at the town that's crumbling, at the opportunities we don't have, and I wonder if there's more out there for me, for these kids.


Recorded on February 21:

The frustrations with this town are growing. It's like living in a bubble, and I'm afraid that this bubble is all these children will ever know. There's a world out there, full of possibilities, and here we are, stuck in the past. I wish I could do more for them, show them what's beyond Centralia.

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