Chapter no.29 Mission Complete?!

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There's an old saying, 'The heart finds its morning and is refreshed.'

Many people interpret this as the idea of inspiration finding us in our most cherished place or act.

For Tenten, that place might have been the training ground where she relentlessly practiced on her training dummies, unleashing the full extent of her arsenal. Yet, as she stood there, surrounded by the familiar sights of punctured targets and the comforting weight of shuriken in her hand, inspiration was as elusive as a shadow in the night.

"How can I help this orange idiot?" she pondered.

Traps, after all, weren't the most glamorous aspect of being a ninja.

They were seen as a means to an end—slowing down pursuers or securing an escape route.

Not exactly the stuff of legends.

Naruto's ambition to become a "trap master" seemed, at best, a quirky diversion from the traditional shinobi path.

At worst, it was a one-way ticket to obscurity.

After all, how many tales of heroism sung praises of traps over the direct confrontations of Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, or the elegance of Kenjutsu? Traps were practical, yes, but hardly the making of a Hokage.

As she mulled over these thoughts, Tenten couldn't help but feel a growing frustration. Traps, by their nature, were defensive, strategic. Against an average person, perhaps they held some surprise. But a high-level ninja? Most would dismantle or outright destroy a trap with a mere flick of their chakra-infused fingers. The reality was harsh—physical traps, especially those devoid of chakra, seemed fundamentally inferior to the other, more robust techniques in a ninja's arsenal.

"Uh… hello? Tenten, you still in there?"

Her attention rapidly turned back to the blond, gazing at her up with eager eyes.

She wanted to tell him that he was still an academy student, and he should not be bothering so much about any of this now, considering his Jonin sensei could just come up one day and kick all of his hard work to the curb. She likewise wanted to tell him that utilizing traps was not in his best interests, considering how he seemed to be a walking ball of chakra, and he would excel at becoming a ninjutsu tank.

She wanted to shake her head and contemplate what in the world she was doing, spending her Saturday morning off tutoring someone.

This was one of the only two days when she was usually free from Gai, his eccentric mini-me and the fate-douche.

What had spurred her to come out so early, and start training to learn how to deflect shuriken with a headbutt? It sounded like something Lee and Gai would do when they were fired up and did not think about the larger picture.

"Um… Tenten… You … uh, you never really wanted to be a weapon specialist did you?"

Naruto's voice had drew her from her thoughts, and she turned back to the blond, who's eyes were the same blue, but rather than sparkle, they seemed to have a curious depth to them, like someone had dipped their hands into water and caused continuous wavy ripples.

Then her mind interpreted the words and identified their semantic meaning together as sound around her started to slowly go mute.


She had never wanted to become a weapons specialist, even though she did like the sharp pointy objects.

No, her true dream was to become like her role model, like Senju Tsunade, one of the Densetsu no Sannin, and the world's greatest and foremost medical practitioner. She had wanted to become a medic, a healer, someone who would aid her companions on the battlefield when they were wounded, someone who would ease and comfort bruises and pain.

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