Chapter no.51 Breaking and Entering

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Umino Iruka loved his Home.

It was a place where he was free from the troublesome nuances that were the lovable brats he called his students, a place where he did not have to scream out his lungs to get people to listen to the things he wanted to say, a place where he could put on his nice bunny fur slippers without hearing any snickers from resident class clowns, and pick up a book to read without screeches from fangirls. It was the most relaxing place in the world, where he could, occasionally practice his Shurikenjutsu without getting snorts from over-achieving black-haired geniuses, and could likewise have freedom from the eccentricities of his superior commanding officers.

Home was truly a place to be.

It was for that reason, that when Iruka had tucked into his bed at night, switched off his lamp, and said goodnight to his collection of unique plushy dolls, he had expected nothing else more than utter silence and pure, unending tranquility.

"Psst! Iruka-sensei!"

Iruka's mellow eyes answered with a soft sigh. Of course, his subconscious would choose now of all times to mess with him and give him a dream about Naruto. Oh no, he wasn't going to let his mind win. He'd play along for now and see where this went.

"Yes Naruto?"

"Um... you mentioned recon and uh... information gathering... does that mean it's okay to spy on people in the village? Like say uh... Hokage-jiji?"

Iruka almost giggled. Like Naruto would actually have listened to what he said and then snuck into his house at two am to ask such a question. The dream was just too funny to be true.

"Sure Naruto... it's all part of being a good trap master... best to have as much information on everyone as you need."

"Thanks Iruka-sensei! You're the best!"

Naruto complementing him? Iruka did giggle this time around.

"Sure, sure. Don't forget to close the window on your way out."

"I will."

There was a shuffle of movement, and suddenly, the sound of his window pane closing reached the Chunin's ears.

It took him four seconds for his eyes to snap open as he realized that his dream had been far too realistic.

He turned to the window, finding the curtain drawn open, and then he shook his head as he rolled back into bed. It was too much of a hassle to go find the blond boy and tell him that it was probably not a good idea to try and spy on people in a shinobi village, but he figured the blond wouldn't get very far in his attempt anyway.

Besides, it was Naruto, what were the odds of him sneaking around the strongest shinobi in the entire village?

[ Alert: World Quest ]
[ Quest Title: Knowledge is Power ]
[ Objectives:
- Infiltrate the Hokage's Library.
- Acquire the Forbidden Scroll of Seals.
- Escape undetected with the Forbidden Scroll of Seals.
- Deliver the Forbidden Scroll of Seals to the designated secret location.
- ?
- ?
- (Bonus Objective)
- (Bonus Objective) ]
[ Rewards: 2000 Experience Points per completed objective. Additional 1000 Experience Points for completing any bonus objectives. A reward of 10000 Ryo upon successful completion of all objectives. Increased reputation with Konoha. ]
[ Penalty for Failure: Capture and imprisonment. Decrease in reputation within Konoha. ]

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