Chapter no.31 Herald of Hephaestus

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[ Naruto's POV ]

[ Alert: Chain Quest ]

[ Quest Name: Tenten's Awakening ]

[ Description: Tenten is on the verge of unlocking the class "Herald of Hephaestus." Fight her and force her to awaken ]

[ Reward: A Loyal Ally in Tenten, ? ]

[ Failure: Tenten's Death ]

[ Action Required: Acceptance or Declination of Quest ]

I took a deep breath, the weight of the katana feeling just right in my hands.

Time for reflection was over; it was time to act.

Even though I had only known Tenten for about a week, she had quickly become a cool friend—one I respected and trained with.

A fleeting thought crossed my mind—Isn't death because of some words a bit much?—but I pushed it aside and focused on the moment as I watched Tenten walk away.

"Fight me," I called out firmly.

Tenten stopped in her tracks and turned to face me.


I swung the katana back and forth, feeling its balance and edge.

As I did, something clicked inside me, activating the weapon master feat. My stance shifted instinctively, morphing into that of a seasoned swordsman. I gripped the katana with both hands, my knees slightly bent, the blade angled forward, poised and ready.

"Why wait for the Chunin exams? Show me the true power of the weapon specialist, Tenten," I challenged, my voice serious and steady.

Tenten's expression hardened in response, her eyes narrowing with focus as she gripped her own katana, mirroring my stance.

Mr. Higurashi, witnessing the unfolding scene, took a deliberate step back, his expression a mix of concern and understanding.

This was a pivotal moment for his daughter, a clash that seemed necessary for both her and me.

I launched into the duel with a burst of speed, my katana cutting through the air as I closed the gap between Tenten and me in an instant.

My blade arced down in a smooth, controlled strike aimed at her midsection.

Tenten's reflexes snapped into action, her blade rising swiftly to intercept mine. The sound of metal clashing echoed sharply as our swords met.

Without missing a beat, I unleashed a series of three rapid strikes, each aimed to test her defenses.

Tenten moved with a fluid grace, her katana an extension of her will, perfectly synchronized with her movements. She parried each attack, her blade redirecting mine with precise, clean motions. The force of my assault briefly pushed her hand upward, but she skillfully used the momentum to pivot her body, countering with a swift, powerful horizontal swing aimed back at me.

Our swords clashed once more, the impact resonant enough to send a shockwave through the shop around us. Shelves rattled, and the hanging weapons vibrated from the force of our exchange.

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