Chapter no.16 Reputation

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"I am stupid. I am stupid. I am stupid." Naruto repeated this mantra to himself, feeling frustrated.

He had just completed his quest in about an hour after leaving the school, and now, as he slapped his forehead in exasperation, he gazed at the system interface displayed before him.

[ Skill: Beginner Academy Taijutsu ]

[ Description: Taijutsu, or hand-to-hand combat, is essential for all shinobi. This beginner level focuses on proper stances, basic strikes, kicks, and blocks. ]

[ Active Enhancements: ]

- [ Strength (STR) Modifier: +2 for 30 seconds upon activation. ]

- [ Vitality (VIT) Modifier: +2 for 30 seconds upon activation. ]

- [ Dexterity (DEX) Modifier: +2 for 30 seconds upon activation. ]


[ Skill: Beginner Academy Tactics (Active) ]

[ Description: Teaches team formations, ambush strategies, counter-ambush tactics, and various battlefield maneuvers. ]

[ Active Enhancements: ]

- [ Intelligence (INT) Modifier: +3 for 30 seconds upon activation. ]

- [ Wisdom (WIS) Modifier: +3 for 30 seconds upon activation. ]

As Naruto scrolled through the details, his earlier frustration wasn't because the skills were easy to learn or because he could have missed out due to his careless oversight of his identity assimilation.

The real reason Naruto was scolding himself was because of the quest he had almost overlooked.

[ System Quest Alert ]

[ Quest: Pick up the books ]

[ Objective: Pick up the books on beginner, intermediate, and advanced academy Taijutsu. ]

[ Rewards:

- The Senju Clan's Taijutsu

- +100 reputation with REDACTED, REDACTED, REDACTED ]

[ Failure: None ]

[ Action Required: Confirm acceptance or declination of quest. ]

He gazed at the system, realizing just how close he had come to missing out on a great opportunity. With a relieved sigh, he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

So, I guess I need to find books for the intermediate and advanced versions. Dattebayo!

If only I had a magic item that could instantly unlock the skills.

His attention then shifted to the reputation bonus in the rewards.

"Reputation," he mumbled, tapping on the interface to bring up his current standings. The list was more extensive than he expected:

Konohagakure – Hated – 15/1000

Landlord – Hated – 50/1000

Iruka – Friendly – 660/1000

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