Chapter no.92 Ouija Board

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Naruto wandered through the creepy hallway, pondering how he was going to uncover the unfinished business of the Spectral Maiden. The place was sinister, with dried-up bloodstains and destruction all around. "This place could really use a makeover," he quipped to himself, trying to lighten the mood.

Deciding to take a more mystical approach, Naruto activated his Spirit Possession jutsu, feeling a sudden burst of detective-like intuition. "Alright, Sherlock Holmes mode activated!" he announced with a grin. He then used his shadow clone jutsu. "Scout the area, guys, and try to find any clue you can," he instructed his clones, who nodded and vanished in different directions.

As Naruto carefully examined the hallway, he noticed that the holes in the walls led to a dark room below.

"Hmm, what's down there, I wonder?" he mused, preparing to create another clone to investigate.

Suddenly, he saw ghostly child-sized handprints appearing on the walls, their ashen color eerie and unsettling. Naruto gulped, a chill running down his spine. "Creepy kid handprints? That's never a good sign in horror movies," he muttered.

Before he could react further, he felt a touch beside him. Whirling around, he came face to face with a ghostly child, its form covered in black ash.

"Ghost!" Naruto exclaimed, stepping back in shock and fear.

His step, however, was ill-placed. The floor beneath him gave way due to its weakened state. "Oh, great," he said as he started to fall.

Naruto landed with a thud on the floor, finding himself enveloped in darkness. He extended his hand, using his fire chakra manipulation to ignite a flame, casting light in the gloomy space. What he saw made him uneasy - a room filled with dolls, each more unsettling than the last. They were covered in a strange, white web-like substance that gave the whole room an eerie, abandoned feel.

"Creepy dolls? Really? That's just great," Naruto commented dryly, his usual bravado slightly faltering in the face of the sinister scene. He cautiously approached a bookshelf, hoping to find some clues. He reached for a book, but the weird white web prevented him from pulling it out.

"Okay, this stuff is seriously getting in my way," Naruto muttered. He was about to use wind chakra to cut through the web-like material when he was startled by a sound.

Knock knock.


Naruto clone number one made his way to the second floor, which appeared to have once been the educational wing of the orphanage.

The creepy, abandoned atmosphere persisted here, with dried blood staining the floors and walls. The area was in disrepair, broken down with numerous holes scattered across the floor.

He noticed that the right side of hallway was blocked by a heap of desks and debris. Deciding to divide and conquer, he quickly used his shadow clone jutsu. "Alright, buddy, you check out the classrooms. I'll handle this mess," he instructed his clone.

The clone nodded and darted off to search the classrooms, while Naruto turned his attention to the blockade. He unsheathed his black Steel katana, channeling wind chakra into the blade to enhance its cutting power. With a few swift, precise strikes, he began slicing through the desks and garbage, clearing a path through the obstruction.

"Let's see what's hiding behind the blockade," Naruto muttered to himself, pushing aside the last of the debris. His katana glowed with wind chakra, casting eerie shadows in the dimly lit hallway as he prepared to explore further into the mysterious and dilapidated orphanage.


As the clone's shadow clone entered the classroom, it was struck by how ordinary it looked, reminiscent of a typical classroom. This familiarity evoked a sense of nostalgia in Naruto, reminding him of his own time in an orphanage as a young boy. The memory brought a bitter taste to his mouth as he recalled the harsh looks of disdain he received from the caretakers back then.

Shaking off these unpleasant memories, Naruto focused on exploring the classroom. His attention was drawn to a lone book sitting on a desk. Beside it lay an ouija board, its letters and numbers faded, the planchette resting eerily on 'goodbye'. On the chalkboard, an incomplete game of hangman hinted at a abruptly halted activity.

The scene felt unsettling to Naruto. He activated his Observer feat, hoping to glean some useful information from these items. As he inspected them, he couldn't shake the feeling of a deeper, hidden story behind these seemingly innocent classroom objects.

[ Items ]

- [ Dahlia Gillespie's Diary ]

[ Description: An old, worn diary belonging to Dahlia Gillespie. Its pages are filled with cryptic entries and faded sketches that hint at the hidden truths and dark secrets of the Orphanage of Hell. ]

[ Usage: Provides insight into the history and mysteries of the Orphanage. May contain clues to navigate through the dungeon. ]

[ Durability: Fragile - Handle with care to preserve the information within. ]

- [ Ouija Board (Inactive) ]

[ Description: A weathered ouija board with faded letters and numbers. Its planchette is ominously resting on 'goodbye', suggesting an unfinished or abruptly ended session. ]

[ Usage: Currently inactive. May require specific conditions or actions to activate and unveil hidden messages or paths. ]

[ Warning: Use with caution - activating the board could have unforeseen consequences. ]

- [ Puzzle of the Ghosts (Hangman) ]

[ Description: An incomplete game of hangman on the chalkboard. The puzzle seems to be more than a simple game, potentially linked to the spirits within the Orphanage. ]

[ Usage: Completing the puzzle may reveal important information or trigger events. Losing the game may activate the Ouija Board. ]

[ Warning: Incorrect guesses could have unexpected effects. Approach with strategic thinking. ]

Naruto exhaled deeply as he flipped through the pages of Dahlia Gillespie's Diary. The script was almost indecipherable, the words seemingly ancient and cryptic. "Great, it's like trying to read granny's secret recipe," he muttered, struggling to make sense of the text.

With a sigh, he turned his attention to the incomplete game of hangman on the chalkboard. "I guess it's worth a shot," he said, picking up a piece of old chalk. As he drew the neck of the hanged man, another part of the drawing appeared, revealing the feet dangling in the air. "Oh, that's not creepy at all," he remarked sarcastically, feeling a sense of unease.

Naruto lost the game of hangman, and as a result, the atmosphere in the room shifted. He gulped, trying to steady his nerves as he sat down in front of the Ouija board. To his horror, the ghostly apparition of a hanged woman appeared across from him. Naruto deliberately avoided looking up, not wanting to imprint the ghastly image in his mind.

"Are you Dahlia Gillespie?" he asked, using the Ouija board. The planchette moved on its own, sliding eerily to 'Yes'.

Naruto took a deep breath to calm himself. "Okay, Naruto, keep it together," he whispered to himself. "You've faced worse than ghostly apparitions. Time to get some answers."

Naruto hesitated for a moment before asking the next question, "Can you tell me what happened in this place?"

"Yes," the planchette on the Ouija board slid to spell out the response.

"How?" Naruto asked, his curiosity piqued but his nerves on edge.

"Place the diary onto the board," the Ouija board instructed. Naruto carefully placed Dahlia Gillespie's Diary onto the board. To his amazement, ink started to become visible on the once-cryptic pages, revealing the story in a language he could understand.

"Okay, that's new," he muttered, his eyes scanning the now-legible text. The diary detailed the harrowing tale of the orphanage, describing how it was transformed into a place of horror by the actions of one man.

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