Chapter no.8 Rat Dungeon

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If someone asked Naruto the place he'd least like to visit, without hesitation, he'd say the basement.

With a grimace, he delivered another forceful kick to the stubborn basement door.

"Open up, you damn door!" he grunted, frustration building.

Another kick.

"Bastard landlord," he muttered under his breath, "can't install a decent door at the front, but sure, let's make Fort Knox out of the basement door!"

His comment was accompanied by yet another hefty kick.

Finally, with a creak that seemed to groan in defeat, the door swung open, revealing the dismal sight of his basement.

The room was dimly lit, with only a few slivers of light sneaking through the small, grimy windows.

Cobwebs clung to every corner, and a musty, almost moldy smell wafted up, assaulting Naruto's nose.

"Ugh, what a dump," Naruto exclaimed, stepping gingerly over the threshold.

The floor felt sticky under his feet, and he could swear something skittered away into the shadows as he moved forward.

"Great, probably more rats than a sewer down here," he grumbled, his eyes scanning the room.

He looked around, half expecting to see something jump out at him.

[ Would you like to use item "Dungeon Key"? ]

Naruto confirmed, and suddenly an ethereal keyhole materialized in front of him.

He took out the dungeon key and inserted it into the keyhole.

As Naruto turned the key, he heard the familiar click of a lock opening. Suddenly, the keyhole before him began to crack like a mirror.

He watched in awe as the cracks spread, weaving through the air and creating a door that floated in the middle of the room, unattached to any wall or hinge.


He looked at the system window.

"How did you do that dungeon," he said aloud, half expecting an answer.

The system remained silent.

Naruto sighed and muttered to himself, "I need to prepare some things before I go in there."

[ 30 Minutes Later ]

Naruto stood in front of the mirror, surveying his makeshift armor with a critical eye. He had assembled an eclectic array of items he thought might be useful: stink bombs, a rubber chicken, kunai, shuriken, and his DIY armor. The armor was a haphazard creation of wood and plastic pieces, all held together with copious amounts of duct tape wrapped around his body.

Looking at his reflection, Naruto couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. His armor was bulky and uneven, with wooden planks jutting out at odd angles and strips of plastic awkwardly taped across his chest and limbs. The duct tape was wrapped haphazardly, crisscrossing in a chaotic pattern that was more comical than intimidating.

"Well, it's not exactly ninja gear, but it'll have to do," Naruto said to himself, adjusting a particularly loose piece of plastic on his shoulder. He tucked the kunai and shuriken into his belt, the rubber chicken dangled from his side - a bizarre addition to his already unusual outfit.

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