Chapter no.165 Poor Man's Tamatebako

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[ Shop Inventory ]
[ Item: Poor Man's Tamatebako ]
[   - Type: Magical Item ]
[   - Description: This enigmatic box tempts fate, capable of conjuring random items based on the user's luck. Its contents range from the mundane to the extraordinary, all depending on the whims of fortune. ]

[   - Price: Exchange required (Items of equivalent rarity and value must be offered in exchange) ]

[   - Rarity: Rare ]

[   - Restrictions: Only one Poor Man's Tamatebako may exist in an individual universe at any time. Limited to one use per holder. ]

[   - Stock: 1 ]

Naruto's eyes narrowed as he absorbed the details about the price.

"Where am I supposed to find something as rare as this box, Dattebayo?" he mumbled to himself, frustration lacing his voice.

His hand found its way to his head, scratching it in perplexity.

In a half-serious, half-jesting tone, he directed a question at the system window, "Do you accept ramen?"

To his surprise, a response actually popped up on the system screen.

[ Notification: Item Request Denied ]

[ Reason: "Ramen" is not available in the player's inventory. ]

[ Please select an alternative item for exchange. ]

Naruto let out a huff, shaking his head in disbelief.

"As if I'd trade my precious ramen for some item," he scoffed internally, the thought alone seemed ludicrous to him.

Yet, as the gears in his mind began to turn, he realized the true meaning behind the system's response.

Only items within his inventory were eligible for exchange.

A spark of realization hit him; it was as if a light bulb had flickered to life inside his head. With newfound eagerness, Naruto quickly navigated to his inventory, his fingers moving with purpose.

Naruto took out all the magic items from his inventory.

One by one, he placed them out in front of him, like a merchant displaying his wares at a bustling market.

The assortment before him was as varied as it was peculiar: two Rings of Life, a pair of Health Potions, the ominously named Devil's Heroine Syringe, an Ouija Board that seemed out of place among the rest, Skill Stones, a Doll of Comfort, a Demon Rattle, and an impressive collection of twenty Masks of Death.

"What do I really need, and what's just taking up space?"

He eyed his collection critically, his hands on his hips.

"One Ring of Life should do the trick; I mean, having two is just greedy, right?" he reasoned, chuckling at his own logic. "Health Potions, though handy, I'll chuck 'em in the exchange pile. And this Devil's Heroine Syringe," he paused, holding the item aloft with a bewildered look, "I still have no clue why I'm lugging this dangerous thing around. Into the pile it goes!"

Naruto glanced at the Doll of Comfort and shrugged dismissively.

"Already got the Mind of Nirvana skill. This doll's basically just a glorified plushie now," he joked, tossing it onto the pile without a second thought.

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