Chapter no.94 The Monster

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Recorded on May 16:

Last night, I witnessed something utterly bizarre and terrifying. Men in clown masks entered the orphanage at midnight. They were met at the gate by Walter, who let them inside while everyone else was asleep. It was a scene straight out of a nightmare.


Recorded on May 17:

The next day, all four of Walter's favorite children were gone. Panic ensued throughout the orphanage. We called the police, but their search turned up nothing. Walter looked devastated, but I could see through his act. I knew he was somehow involved, but the question remained: why?


Recorded on June 2:

In the following weeks, I did everything I could to uncover answers. It was as if those children had simply vanished into thin air. And then, Walter chose four new favorites. Just like before, they disappeared following the appearance of those clown-masked men.


Recorded on June 18:

Fear gripped me. What was happening to these children? Who were these men in clown masks? At night, I tried to get closer, to overhear their conversations. That's when I saw her – the girl with leprosy, the one we called "Red" because of her hair. She was sneaking up on Walter, clearly intent on attacking him.


Recorded on June 19:

In a panic, I acted quickly. I came down the stairs, calling out to "Red" to stop her. My interruption caused the clown men to vanish and Walter to hide. I dragged Red back to her room. I don't know if it was my timing or something else, but the four children Walter had recently taken an interest in were safe, for now.


Recorded on June 30:

I'm writing this with a heavy heart and a mind clouded with fear. I don't understand Walter's motives or who these mysterious men are. But one thing is clear: he's playing a dangerous game, and the children are his pawns. I need to find out the truth before more innocent lives are destroyed by this madman's scheme.


Recorded on July 15:

The situation here is deteriorating rapidly. Many of the other caretakers have quit, unable to bear the increasingly ominous atmosphere of the orphanage. I tried to persuade them to stay, to stand together against whatever Walter is planning, but fear has driven them away. They've been replaced by these men with unnerving smiles, men who don't seem to care about the children at all.


Recorded on August 3:

I find myself the only original caretaker left. This place, once a sanctuary for lost children, is morphing into something unrecognizable, something evil. The air is thick with dread, and the smiles of these new 'caretakers' are more chilling than comforting. I feel so alone in this battle.


Recorded on August 25:

My frustration and fear are reaching a breaking point. I've considered taking the children away from here, but how? The local authorities are of no help; it's as if Walter has some sort of hold over them. Every possible avenue of escape seems blocked by his unseen influence.


Recorded on September 10:

This hatred, this loathing for Walter and what he has turned the orphanage into, is consuming me. I find myself contemplating dark thoughts, thoughts I never imagined I'd have. What if the only way to end this is to remove Walter permanently? Could I do it? Should I do it?


Recorded on September 28:

I've started to devise a plan, one that terrifies me with its finality. If Walter were gone, perhaps everything could return to normal. Perhaps the children could be safe again. But the thought of taking a life, even his, weighs heavily on my soul.


Recorded on October 12:

The plan is taking shape in my mind, a desperate, last-ditch effort to save the orphanage from the clutches of this monster. I'm no hero; I'm just a caretaker, a woman who wants to protect these children. But if I don't act, who will?


Last Entry, Recorded on October 31:

Tonight, I pray for forgiveness. Forgive me, God, for what I'm about to do. I never thought I'd be capable of such actions. But I see no other way. Please let my plan succeed. Please keep these innocent children safe. If I am to bear this sin, let it be for their salvation. May they find peace and happiness in a world free from Walter's evil. Amen.


Naruto stared at the diary, his expression a mix of confusion and concern. "What happened next?" he asked, hoping for more of the story.

In response, the diary was suddenly flung away as the Ouija board sprang into action. "My plan failed," the board spelled out. "Walter won, and he made my death look like a suicide. That bastard even forced the children to see my hanged corpse, to ensure their obedience."

Naruto took a deep breath, the gravity of the situation weighing on him. "Is Red the ghost swinging the stick outside?" he asked the board.

"Yes," it replied.

"Did Walter kill her?" Naruto continued, seeking to understand the full extent of the tragedy.

"Yes. I saw as a ghost how that little girl, trying to be a hero, ultimately failed. Walter killed her like he did the others," the board conveyed the grim reality.

"Is Walter still alive?" Naruto's voice was firm, his resolve hardening.

"Yes," the board confirmed.

"If I kill Walter, will Red and the others finally rest in peace?" Naruto asked, hoping for a straightforward solution.

"I don't know," was the board's uncertain response.

Naruto stood up, a determined look on his face. "You can rest easy. I will take down Walter and let all of you rest in peace," he declared.

As he spoke, the ghostly apparition of Dahlia ignited in greenish flames. Naruto heard a faint, desperate plea: "Please... Help... The Children... Finally... Have Peace."

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Naruto clenched his fists, his usual boisterous demeanor replaced by a solemn resolve. "I will," he promised. "No one else will suffer at Walter's hands. I'll make sure of it."

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